CMSC-341, Spring 1999, Sections 101 and 201

Project 1 Notes

The following notes pertain to Project 1

  1. The Matrix class aggregates an Array with the follow declaration:
       Array < Array<T> * > _element;
    That is, _element is an Array of pointers to Array.

    If you wish, you may do the Project using an Array of Arrays. The declaration would change to
       Array < Array<T> > _element;

    It's your choice, do it either way.

  2. The copy constructor for Array
        Array( Array<T>& arr);
    does not use the const optimization. It is not required, but is the best practice when the method argument will not be modified within the method.
    Please modify the copy constructor's argument to use const. The declaration should be:
        Array( const Array<T>& arr);