Lecture Synopses

Definition: syn-op-sis  pl -op-ses.  a condensed statement or outline.

The following are links to synopses of each lecture. These synopses (see definition above) are not lecture notes. They will be generally available after a lecture, not before. I will try to make source code examples (that are not from the textbook) available here before the lecture.

1 C++ Review
2 OOP Fundamentals
3 Asymptotic Analysis / Dynamic Set ADT
4 List ADT and Implementations
5 Lists: Running Time Analysis and Applications
6 Stacks and Queues
7 Binary Search Trees
8 Binary Search Trees
9 Exam
10 Improving Performance of Lists
11 Hash Tables
12 Hash Tables
13 Priority Queues
14 Priority Queues
15 Balanced Search Trees
16 Balanced Search Trees
17 Balanced Search Trees
19 Exam
20 B Trees
21 Graphs
22 Graphs
23 Graphs
24 Graphs
25 Disjoint Set
26 Disjoint Set
27 Standard Template Library
28 Review