UMBC | Project 2 | CMSC313 |
In this project you are to prompt the user for a number of points which represent the corners in a closed polygon. The number of points will be determined by the user at run-time. You will take in the coordinates and calculate the perimeter of the polygon. This project only uses coordinates the are positive, so you must make sure that the user gives you only valid data. If an invalid coordiante is entered, reject it and prompt for a correct value.
You are to design your program so that the user can signal end of input to the program.
You can design the user interface any way you wish. The output will be the statement:
;; Filename: jdoe2p3asm.asm ;; Name: Ima Student ;; email: ;; Date: 27 Oct 2004 ;; Course: CMSC313 ;; Description: (Your psuedocode goes here. Must be detailed) ;; Notes: (As needed, such has how to compile)