NOTE: UMBC's Linux Users Group (LUG) can be a resource for you to get help with the installation of Linux and Linux questions in general. However, when you contact them for assistance, you must first tell them that you are taking CMSC313 and you can not try to have them answer any of your homework questions.
All programming assignments and circuit simulation exercises must be completed by your own individual effort. You should never have a opy of someone else's program either on papter or electronically under any circumstance. Also, you should never give a copy of your program or circuit, either on paper or electronically, to another student. This also means that you cannot work on the programming assignments or circuit simulation exercises together. Cases of academic dishonesty will be dealt with severely. Egregious cases of cheating will be reported as a major infraction. In this case, you will not be allowed to drop the course. Also, a major infraction would appear as a permanent part of your student record and would be seen by potential employers when they ask for an official copy of your transcript. We will be using special software to check for cheating. The software is quite sophisticated, has been tuded for assembly language programs and has surprised some students in the past. We will, of course, not release the details of the internal workings of this cheat-checking software, but you are also forewarned that there is no difficulty in comparing every pair of submitted projects. Finally, you are also warned that if your program is turned in by someone else, then, at a minimum, bot you and the person who copied your program will receive a 0 for that assignment and you will be penalized ten percent of the total possible score for the entire course. (That will reduce your final grade by more than one letter!) This includes substantially similar programs. Furthermore, all parites concerned will have their prior programs checked for cheating. So, if you cheat on the last assignment, you can lose all the points from all of your assignments -- even if you did all the work and just let other people copy from you.