Floating Point Arithmetic Operations
The FPU is a stack machine. Arithmetic is performed by
pushing the two operands onto the stack, and then exectuing an arithmetic
opcode, which in effect pops the two top items, does the operation with
the the two values and then pushs the result back on the stack. The slots in
the stack are numbered ST0, ST1, ST2, ..., ST7.
fadd | ST0 + ST1 |
fsub | ST0 - ST1 |
fsubr | ST1 - ST0 |
fmul | ST0 X ST1 |
fdiv | ST0 / ST1 |
fdivf | ST1 / ST0 |
These can have the letter p appended.
Some FPU Miscellaneous Arithmetic
fabs ; Absolute value Set ST0 to |ST0|
fchs ; Chage sign of ST0 Set ST0 to -ST0
fsqrt ; Square root. Set ST0 to sqrt(ST0)
©2004, Gary L. Burt