The DoIT project submission system will be used for submission of projects for this course. The submit system is comprised of a set of commands available on GL that allows you to submit files electronically for grading. The submit commands available on GL are:

For this class, the value of <course> will always be “cs202”, so all commands will start with submit cs202.


The submit <course> <project> <file(s)> command is used to submit files. You can specify one file at a time or multiple files.

linux3[2]% submit cs202 proj1 Foo.cpp
Submitting Foo.cpp...OK
linux3[3]% submit cs202 proj1 Bar.cpp Baz.cpp
Submitting Bar.cpp...OK
Submitting Baz.cpp...OK

You can also use the submit <course> <project> <file(s)> to overwrite previously submitted files. It doesn't hurt to submit what you have periodically. That way, if for some reason you are unable to submit nearer the deadline (e.g. internet access or computer dies), you will at least have something submitted.

linux3[4]% submit cs202 proj1 Foo.cpp
It seems you have already submitted a file named Foo.cpp.
Do you wish to overwrite? (y/n):
Submitting Foo.cpp...OK


You can check and see what files you have submitted using the submitls <course> <project> command.

linux3[5]% submitls cs202 proj1
total 8
drwx------    2 dhood2   rpc          2048 Sep 13 16:04 .
drwx------   78 dhood2   rpc          4096 Sep 13 15:55 ..
-rw-------    1 dhood2   rpc             0 Sep 13 16:04 Bar.cpp
-rw-------    1 dhood2   rpc             0 Sep 13 16:04 Baz.cpp
-rw-------    1 dhood2   rpc             0 Sep 13 16:04 Foo.cpp


If you accidentally submit a wrong file or you no longer need a file that is submitted, you can remove files using the submitrm <course> <project> <file(s)> command. Take note that when you do a submitrm, the file that you submitted is most likely gone for good and unable to be recovered.

linux3[5]% submitls cs202 proj1
total 8
drwx------    2 dhood2   rpc          2048 Sep 13 16:04 .
drwx------   78 dhood2   rpc          4096 Sep 13 15:55 ..
-rw-------    1 dhood2   rpc             0 Sep 13 16:04 Bar.cpp
-rw-------    1 dhood2   rpc             0 Sep 13 16:04 Baz.cpp
-rw-------    1 dhood2   rpc             0 Sep 13 16:04 Foo.cpp
linux3[6]% submitrm cs202 proj1 Baz.cpp
Deleting Baz.cpp
linux3[7]% submitls cs202 proj1
total 8
drwx------    2 dhood2   rpc          2048 Sep 13 16:04 .
drwx------   78 dhood2   rpc          4096 Sep 13 15:55 ..
-rw-------    1 dhood2   rpc             0 Sep 13 16:04 Bar.cpp
-rw-------    1 dhood2   rpc             0 Sep 13 16:04 Foo.cpp