This page contains various resources on where to get help, Java, Eclipse,
and UMBC's computing environments.
Where to Get Help
Course Staff — You are welcome to
stop by any staff member's office hours.
Blackboard Project Forums —
Forums are available for both general topics and specific
projects. Students are encouraged to ask and answer questions. This
is your forum and a chance to help each other. It
will be monitored periodically by one or more of the instructors. This is simply
to make sure of things such as incorrect information being posted, "too
much help" (e.g. code) being given, or a point that everyone seems to
be misinterpreting or not understanding. This is your chance to help
each other out, with a little help from instructors. Please make sure
that you o not use the forums as the place to ask questions that you should
be going to your instructor, TA, or a CS Help Center tutor for.
Supplemental Instruction (SI) — this form of assistance
targets traditionally difficult classes at universities. SI Leaders
(students who have successfully completed CMSC 202 in a prior semester)
lead several sessions a week (see below). These sessions are meant
to integrate course content and study/problem-solving strategies to help
raise student achievement. SI Leaders for CMSC 202 attend lecture and are
aware of the expectations and the material covered by the professors.
In the group sessions, students work together to tackle problems with
concepts and solidify their understanding of the material. SI
attendance is voluntary for students and you are welcome to come as
often as you like according to your schedule.
Day | Location | Time | SI Leader |
Monday | ACIV 108 | 7:00-7:50pm | Colin Daniel |
Tuesday | PHYS 107 | 6:00-6:50pm | Christian Kalil |
Wednesday | ACIV 108 | 7:00-7:50pm | Colin Daniel |
Thursday | ITE 239 | 6:00-6:50pm | Christian Kalil |
Computer Science Help
Center — first-come first-serve tutoring for select CMSC
courses (including CMSC 202). The tutor calendar for the CS Help
Center is located here.
Learning Resources Center
— can arrange to provide one-on-one tutoring for most 100
and 200 level classes (including CMSC 202)
UMBC Division of Information
Technology (DoIT) — help with your GL account
Linux User's Group (LUG) —
the LUG typically has an installfest each
semester to assist in installing Linux and maintains an active mailing list where
people ask & answer Linux questions.
JavaSE JDK — under “Java Platform, Standard Edition”
select “Download” for the Java SE 7u5 JDK.
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
— under Eclipse Helios Sr2 Packages; requires Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) 1.5, 1.6, or 1.7. (Note: Eclipse Indigo and Juno are fine to use. However,
their interfaces may not match those on the lab session slides.)
— transfer files from your Windows PC/laptop to the GL
TeraTerm Pro with SSH for Windows — a terminal emulator to connect
your Windows PC/laptop to the GL servers
PuTTY — another
terminal emulator to connect your Windows PC/laptop to the GL
Java Resources
Eclipse Resources
Remotely Accessing the GL Servers
UNIX/Linux Resources