NOTE: This is only a sample to give you
an idea of what to expect. The point distributions on the actual grading form
will be different. Grading forms are designed specifically for each project.
CMSC 202 : Computer Science II (Fall 04)
Project #4 Toy Hierarchy
Due: 11:59pm, Sunday Nov 2th
UMBC Id: istudent
Section # : 0202
Submit date and time: Nov 2, 2004 11:58pm
General Deductions
50 points - compiler/linker errors, grade for design and standards
-- points - for segfault/infinite loop, deduct all points for the test that failed
5 points - compler warning(s)
5 points - makefile error; build project manually
Correctness (85 points)
5 points - (1) toys too big, so empty boxes shipped (p4t1.dat)
5 points - (2) all toys shipped, no boxes destroyed (p4t2.dat)
5 points - (3a) all toys shipped, some boxes destroyed (p4t3.dat)
5 points - (3b) constructor/destructor counts match
5 points - (4a) all boxes used, some toys not packed (p4t4.dat)
5 points - (4b) c'tor/d'tor counts diff by number toys not delivered
10 points - (5) manufacturing & delivering Square Toys (p4t5.dat)
(a) all fit into boxes (b) not all fit
10 points - (6) manufacturing & delivering Rod Toys (p4t6.dat)
(a) all fit into boxes (b) not all fit
10 points - (7) manufacturing & delivering all toy types (p4t7.dat)
5 points - (8) all required information present
counts, colors, dimensions, summary, etc
10 points - (9) Proper class implementation
proper use of virtual functions,
TinkerToy pointers, cloning, overloaded operators, etc
10 points - (10) Design Assignment - Toy Hierarchy
Style and Standards (15 points)
Follows course coding standards. Refer to coding standard summary.
Pts. lost: xx
Score: xxx/100
Late Penalty:
Final Score: