
Good OO design and implemenation focus on code reuse. How can/should code be designed and implemented so that existing code can be reused without modification? That's one of the strengths of OO languages like C++.

Aggregation (aka composition) is a common technique for code reuse. Simply put, aggregation is using one class as a data member of another class.

This technique is used when the classes have a "has a" relationship. Consider this simple example.

Recall our now familiar DayOfYear class.

<!--#include virtual="DayOfYear.h"--> Here's how it might be used in a new class. Note that a Vactation "has a" DayOfYear. Also note the following about the code
  1. The Vacation constructor uses the initialization list to call the DayOfYear constructor. If it did not do so, then DayOfYear's default constructor would be automatically be called.
  2. In this case, the Vacation class is a USER of the DayOfYear class and is therefore limited to using DayOfYear's public methods.
  3. Note that in some cases, the methods of the Vacation class simply call a method of the DayOfYear class. A classic example of code reuse.
  4. Note the return type of Vacation::GetDayOfYear.
    Returning by reference to const prevents copying of the DayOfYear object and does not allow the user to change Vacation's private data (m_startDOY) by using the reference.
    More on this in class.
<!--#include virtual="Vacation.h"--> and here's the impmlementation of the Vacation class from Vacation.cpp. The usual checking of pre-conditions is removed so that we can focus on the aggregation aspects of the code. <!--#include virtual="Vacation.cpp"-->

Keeping perspective

When multiple classes are involved in a design as in this case, it's important to keep the proper perspective when implementing these classes.

As mentioned above, Vaction is a USER of the DayOfYear class and is limited to using DayOfYear's public methods. Vaction has no special privileges or permission which allow it to access the private data members of the DayOfYear class.

It's also important to remember that the DayOfYear class has no "knowledge" of how it's being used. There should be no new methods or coded added to the DayOfYear class that are in anyway specific to Vacation.

It's important that "boundaries" between classes (what each class knows and doesn't know about the others) not be breached.