Course Schedule

*** Schedule subject to changes announced in class. ***

1/31 Introduction C++ Primer

2/7 C++ Primer C++ I/O Chapter 1, 7.3, 9.3; 12.1, 12.2

2/14 Functions I Functions II 3, 4 Vectors of strings P1 out 2/16
2/21 Classes I Classes II 6, 7.1, 7.2 Functions
2/28 Classes III Classes IV 6, 7.1, 7.2 A simple class P1 due 2/27
P2 out 2/28
3/7 Operator Overloading I Operator Overloading II 8 Aggregation
3/14 Catch-up/Midterm Review MidTerm

P2 due 3/13
3/21 Spring Break Spring Break

3/28 Pointers & Dynamic Memory Copy and Assignment 10 Overloaded operators P3 out 3/28
4/4 Debugging Inheritance I 14 Dynamic memory
4/11 Inheritance II Polymorphism I 14; 15 Inheritance P3 due 4/10
P4 out 4/11
4/18 Polymorphism II Exceptions I 15; 18 Polymorphism
4/25 Exceptions II Templates I 18; 16.2, 16.2 Exceptions P4 due 4/24
P5 out 4/25
5/2 Templates II Iterators and STL containers 16.1, 16.2 Templates
5/9 Miscellaneous Advanced Topics TBD by Instructor parts of 17.3, 7.1, 7.2
P5 due 5/8
5/16 Final Exam Review No Class

Final Exam Schedule