
Picture ID is REQUIRED for all exams

All exams will be closed-book and closed-notes. In the case of a verifiable medical excuse or other such dire circumstance, arrangements must be made with your instructor immmediately for a makeup exam. You are responsible for initiating these arrangements, not your instructor.

Study guides are provide to assist you in preparation for the exams. They cover the major topics covered during lecture and discussion. Students are advised to also use the self-review questions of each chapter of the text and any exercises contained in the lecture materials on the web.


The midterm will be held on Wednesday March 17th (for Mr. Raouf's class) and Thursday March 18th (for Mr. Frey's class) during the regularly scheduled class time.

Study Guide for Exam 1

Final Exam

The final exam will be held on Wednesday May 12th for Mr. Raouf's class (6:00pm) and Thursday May 13th for Mr. Frey's class (10:30am).

Study Guide the final exam is available.