Project 2 Design

Due Date


The objective of this assignment is to make sure that you begin thinking about your project in a serious way early. This will not only give you experience doing design work, but will help you anticipate the number of hours that you'll need to set aside to be able to complete the project.

The Assignment

Your design assignment is broken down into two parts.
  1. An English/psuedo-code description of the high-level algorithm used in main().
    Use indentation where appropriate to show logical levels of code
    For example Validate the command line arguments Open the input file For each line in the file Read the student id Read the three exam grades calculate the exam average store the average in the exam-average vector For each student id print the id and exam average on the same line Close the file
  2. Class Documentation
    For both the Point and Quadrilateral classes, provide a complete, ready to compile header (.H) file. You must include all public member function documentation (ie Pre and PostConditions) and all public member function prototypes. You need not include private member functions or private data.
A template for your design document, design2.txt, is provided in Mr. Frey's public directory. Copy that file /afs/ to your local directory and fill in the necessary information. DO NOT submit your .H files at this time. Instead, cut and paste the contents of the .H files into design2.txt.


You design2.txt file will count as 10% of your Project 2 grade (part of the Correctness). If this file is not submitted by its due date, or if you submit a new version after its due date, you will lose all 10 points.

Your design2.txt file will be compared to the header file or files that you submit when Project 2 is due. Minor changes to the design are allowed. A minor change might be the addition of another parameter to a function's parameter list, or the addition of another function or two.

If there are major changes between the design document and the header files that are part of the final project, you will lose 5 points. This would indicate that you didn't give sufficient thought to your design before beginning the implementation.