CMSC 202 Project 0

Using the Submit System

Posted: January 27, 2003
Due: February 2, 2003



You will be submitting all of your projects using the submit program. For Project 0, it doesn't matter what you submit, so to save space, you will create an empty file and submit it.

The Task

At the Linux prompt, give the following two commands:

touch proj0.C
submit cs202 Proj0 proj0.C

The command touch proj0.C creates an empty file called proj0.C. The submit command has four parts: the word submit, followed by the class (cs202), followed by the name of the project (note uppercase P), followed by the name(s) of the file(s) to be submitted.

After entering these commands, you should get a confirmation that submit worked okay. Specifically, the confirmation will say:
Submitting proj0.C...OK

If not, send an e-mail to Mr. Frey about the problem. In the e-mail, list the section of CMSC 202 in which you are enrolled and please show exactly what you typed in and the exact message that was displayed. You might try cutting them from your terminal display and pasting them into your e-mail message. Submit problems will be able to be fixed quickly.

You can check your submission by entering submitls cs202 Proj0
You should see the name of the file that you just submitted -- in this case, proj0.C


Although this project carries no points and does not count toward your grade, you must do this project. If you do not do the project, you will get no mercy if you cannot submit future projects.