CMSC 202 - General C++ Coding Standards

Every programming department has some set of standards or conventions that programmers are expected to follow. The purpose of these standards is make programs readable and maintainable. After all, you may be the programmer who maintains your own code more than six months after having written the original. While no two programming departments' standards/conventions may be the same, it is important that all members of the department follow the same standards. Neatness counts!!! The following standards are to be followed in CMSC 202. A separate summary page is also available.

Part of every project grade is based upon how well these standards are followed.

It is your responsiblity to understand these standards. If you have any questions, ask your instructor, any of the TAs, or the Computer Science Help Center.

C++ File Extensions

There are numerous file extensions used to designate C++ source code files and header files. For this course, the file extensions .C for source code files and .H for header files will be used. No other extensions are permitted.

File Naming

For every project, a file containing only the main( ) function is required. This file should be named after the project and have a .C file extension. For example, the main( ) function for project 3 would be in a file named proj3.C.
Auxiliary files (e.g proj3_aux.C) and or header files (proj3_aux.H) are permitted, but usually not required.

For most projects, you will be creating your own classes. In these projects, the following standards also apply.

File Organization

Class Definition Standards

The following standards must be followed when a class is defined within it's header (.H) file

Variable, Constant and Function Declarations

These standards detail how variables and constants should be declared, proper function prototype declarations as well as naming conventions.


The following sections detail the required program documentation. Failure to adhere to these standards will result in point deductions from your project submittal.

Use of Whitespace

The prudent use of whitespace (blank lines as well as spaces) goes a long way to making your program readable.

Use of Braces


Comments are the programmer's main source of documentation.

From "The Practice of Programming" by Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike, page 23

Comments are meant to help the reader of a program. The do not help by saying things that the code already plainly says, or by contradicting the code, or by distracting from the code with elaborate typographical displays. The best comments aid the understanding of a program by briefly pointing out salient details or by providing a larger-scale view of the proceedings".
Commenting standards for files, functions, and code are described below.

File Header Comments

EVERY .C and .H file should contain an opening comment describing the contents of the file and other pertinent information. This "file header comment" MUST include the following information.
  1. The file name
  2. The project number
  3. Your name
  4. The date the file was created
  5. Your SSN (last 4-digits okay; i.e., xxx-xx-1234)
  6. Your section number
  7. Your UMBC e-mail address
  8. A description of what the program does
For example, /***************************************** ** File: proj1.C ** Project: CMSC 202 Project 1, Spring 2003 ** Author: Bob Smith ** Date: 6/22/99 ** SSN: 123-45-67689 ** Section: 0304 ** E-mail: ** ** This file contains the main driver program for Project 1. ** This program reads the file specified as the first command line ** argument, counts the number of words, spaces, and characters, and ** displays the results in the format specified in the project description. ** ** Usage: Proj1 <file name> ** ***********************************************/

Function Header Comments

EACH FUNCTION and CLASS METHOD must have a header comment that includes the following:
  1. The function's name
  2. The function's pre-condition(s) (if there are no pre-conditions, say so).
  3. The function's post-condition(s).
A pre-condition is a statement giving the condition(s) that is (are) required to be true when the function is called. The function is not guaranteed to perform correctly unless the pre-condition is true.
All functions must test for all pre-conditions. If a false pre-condition can be handled in code, do so (see CircleArea function below). If it is fatal, use assert().
A post-condition is a statement describing what will be true when the function call is completed (assuming the pre-condition is met and the function completes).

For example,

/************************************************ ** Name: CircleArea ** PreCondition: the radius is greater than zero ** PostCondition: the return value is the calculated area ** **************************************************/ double CircleArea ( double radius ) { const double PI = 3.14159; if (radius < 0.0) return 0.0; else return PI * radius * radius; }

In-Line Comments