CMSC 202 Spring 2003
Lab Assignment 3
Name:_____________________________________ Checked:__________________________________
SSN:______________________________________ Date:_____________________________________
- Introduction to the use of make.
The Assignment
- Logon on to your GL account.
- Create a directory called lab3 for this week's lab.
- Copy the Makefile for Project 1 from Mr Frey's directory to this directory. The path of the Makefile is /afs/
- Add a symbol called MYSOURCEFILES to the Makefile. For
Project 1 it will just be Proj1.C.
- Add a target called sumbitfiles. This target has no
dependencies, and the rule invokes the submit command to submit the
project files and verifies it worked properly using the submitls
- Use the submitrm command to delete the files that you have
submitted in step 5.
Be careful! You might accidentally delete the
design file that you should already have submitted. You'll lose points if
you resubmit the design file.
- Make sure you have your project source files in the current directory.
Sample Output
[linux1:/afs/] make submitfiles
submit cs202 Proj1 Proj1.C Makefile
Submitting Proj1.C...OK
Submitting Makefile...OK
submitls cs202 Proj1
total 20
drwx------ 2 dennis research 2048 Feb 10 12:26 .
drwx------ 345 dennis research 12288 Feb 10 09:10 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 aniket1 general 638 Feb 10 12:26 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 aniket1 general 4134 Feb 10 12:26 Proj1.C
[linux1:/afs/] submitrm cs202 Proj1
Proj1.C Makefile
Deleting Proj1.C
Deleting Makefile
- Please tell us how helpful this lab was to you on a scale of 1 (waste of
time) to 10 (very helpful):______
- If you have any comments you can write them on this page, or email them to