CMSC 202 Labs Spring 2003
Section 0103 Only
What are labs?
A lab is a class held in one of the ECS rooms populated with
terminals. The classes are designed to provide the student
with more opportunity for hands-on experience with writing,
compiling, executing and debugging C++ programs.
Most weeks a short programming assignment will be provided which
must be completed by the student and verified by the TA in charge
of the lab.
Lab Grading
Lab assignments count 5% of your semester grade.
Your lab grade is a score from 0 to 10.
There will be 12 lab assignments during the semester.
Each student must complete 10 of these assignments.
One point towards your lab grade will be awarded for each completed
lab assignment.
Students may work in small groups to accomplish
most lab assignments. If a lab assignment cannot be completed
during the lab session, it may be completed outside of the lab.
However, to recieve credit, you
must demonstrate to the TA that you have completed the lab by
noon on Friday of the week the lab is assigned.
Lab Assignments