Note: A small bug has been fixed in the sample project. Please see the README file in the sample directory for more information.
Project 4: Image Manipulation, Recursion, and Flood Fill
Due Date:
Midnight Sunday, April 16, 2000.
Note that this means before 23:59:59 on Sunday evening. The standard
late policy applies. Note that you have three
weeks to complete this project.
The objectives of this project are:
- To gain experience designing classes in C++
- To gain experience using classes in C++
- To practice implementing a recursive function
- To begin to learn to deal with understanding file formats
Data Formats
Much of the time that you spend programming will be devoted to data
formats. Data formats (such as protocols and file formats) describe
the way one program can pass information on to another. If programs
(and programmers) cannot agree on data formats, they cannot share
Images as Data
Everything that we manipulate with a computer has some sort of data format
and pictures are no exception. Computer images are usually based on what is called a "raster"
format; an image consists of a rectangular grid of independent "picture
elements" (pixels) that each have separate properties (usually red, green and blue levels). That having been said, as a
general rule, images consist of a width, a height, and a grid of pixels.
Images come in a vast array of formats ranging from very simple to
exceedingly complex. Most often, one representation is chosen (or designed)
instead of another because of the needs addressed in the application.
For example, GIF and JPEG images are designed to be small so that file
transfers take as little time as possible. They use a combination of
limited color and other compression techniques to limit the size of the images
on disk, often at the expense of image quality.
A much simpler format is a portable bitmap (PBM) file. The PBM files
you will be using are plain ASCII text (so you can read them in an editor) and
consist of:
- A "magic number" that identifies the file's contents as
a PBM image. For all intents and purposes, it's a string
that must be at the beginning of a PBM file.
- Some whitespace (
" \t\n"
- The image width
- Some more whitespace
- The image height
- Some more whitespace
- A series of
width * height
'0's and '1's, possibly
separated by whitespace.
Here is a sample PBM file:
11 11
In PBM files, each pixels can either be "on" or "off"; the zeroes
represent while pixels and the ones represent black pixels.
This actually describes a subset of the real PBM format. You are
only responsible for PBMs of the format described here for this project.
For more information, see the man page for PBM (man pbm
for details.
You must write a simple image manipulation program. Before you
panic with questions, see the sample run included below. Your program
should behave like the sample program. All of your prompts and error
messages should be the same as those in the sample program.
Your program should perform the following operations on PBM files:
- Load -
The load command should prompt the user for a filename and then
attempt to read that file into an image object. Your program
should have the following behavior:
- File cannot be opened - Print an error and return to the main
- File is not a PBM file (magic number is not "P1") -
Print an error and return to the main menu.
You may assume no other errors will occur during load.
- Save -
The save command should prompt the user for a filename and
write a valid PBM file to that filename. Your program should
have the following behavior:
- File cannot be opened - Print an error and return to the
main menu.
You may assume no other errors will occur during save.
- Fill -
The fill command should prompt the user for an x,y coordinate and
recursively "color in" space inside the image starting at that
point. The fill color will always be 1. When the fill hits a
boundary it should stop moving outwards and continue filling inside
the image. The algorithm you will be implementing is called a "flood
fill" or a "seed fill" (since you give it a seed point and it fills
the interior of the shape that contains that point.) A more
intensive description of the flood fill process will come after
the algorithm has been discussed in class.
Your program should have the following behavior:
- x or y are outside the bounds of the image - Print an error and
return to the main menu.
You may assume that no other errors will occur during fill.
- Enlarge -
The enlarge command should prompt the user for an x,y pair of
scale factors and then enlarge the image by those
factors. For example, a scale of 2 2 should make
every single pixel in the starting image a 2x2 square
of pixels in the final image. This doubles the size
of the image in both x and y. A scale of 2 1 should
make the final image twice as wide but the same height
as the starting image. In this case, each starting
pixel is a 2x1 rectangle of pixels in the final image.
Your program must behave as follows:
- Both the x scale and the y scale must be greater than 0.
If x or y is less than 1, print an error and return to the
main menu.
- Draw -
The draw command should draw a version of the image to the screen.
The drawn representation of the image should be like those in the
sample run:
- It should have a border drawn with:
1. a '+' at each corner.
2. a series of '-'s along the top and bottom edges.
3. a series of '|'s along the left and right edges.
The border is outside of the image, so for a PBM that
is 5x6, the area inside the border should be 5 characters
across and 6 characters high.
- Pixels with value of 0 should be drawn as blanks. Pixels with
a value of 1 should be drawn as '*'s.
A draw command on an image that has not been loaded should print
an error message.
- Exit -
Your program should exit when the exit command is given.
Final Note
This is not an all encompassing list of the error conditions you may
find while coding your project. When in doubt, make your program
behave like the sample program. You will not lose points
for correctness if your program's output is the same as the sample's.
A Sample Run
Here is an example of the output generated by the sample program.
Script started on Mon Mar 27 20:00:23 2000
% ./proj4
Welcome to CMSC 202 Project 4!
(l)oad, (s)ave, (e)nlarge, (f)ill, (d)raw, or e(x)it: d
- You must load an image first.
(l)oad, (s)ave, (e)nlarge, (f)ill, (d)raw, or e(x)it: l
- Enter a file name: circle.pbm
- Loaded image of size 11x11 (WxH) from "circle.pbm".
(l)oad, (s)ave, (e)nlarge, (f)ill, (d)raw, or e(x)it: d
| |
| |
| *** |
| * * |
| * * |
| * * |
| * * |
| * * |
| *** |
| |
| |
(l)oad, (s)ave, (e)nlarge, (f)ill, (d)raw, or e(x)it: f
- Enter fill coordinates (eg. "x y"): 10 10
- Filled 84 pixels.
(l)oad, (s)ave, (e)nlarge, (f)ill, (d)raw, or e(x)it: d
|**** ****|
|*** ***|
|*** ***|
|*** ***|
|**** ****|
(l)oad, (s)ave, (e)nlarge, (f)ill, (d)raw, or e(x)it: e
- Enter scale factors greater than zero(eg. "xs ys"): 2 1
- Image is now: 22x11 (WxH).
(l)oad, (s)ave, (e)nlarge, (f)ill, (d)raw, or e(x)it: s
- Enter a file name: filledcircle.pbm
- File saved.
(l)oad, (s)ave, (e)nlarge, (f)ill, (d)raw, or e(x)it: x
% exit
script done on Mon Mar 27 20:01:16 2000
The program used to generate the sample output is available in:
Sample input files are also provided.
Your program must include an image class. You may choose to create
other object types during the course of your development, but you are only
required to use an image class.
Coding Standards
For this project you must follow the class
coding standards. Remember, you must
document your code as well as your headers. Comments should be on their own
lines and should not share lines with actual code.
Using Code You Didn't Write
Claiming authorship of code that you didn't write is plagiarism and will
be dealt with as academic dishonesty. You should not use code that you
didn't write; it defeats the learning experience of the project. If you do
use outside code on your project, you must site the source. If a
significant portion of the project comes from an outside source, your grade
may be reduced.
Testing Your Program
Remember, your program must compile and run using the CC
compiler on the IRIX machines (umbc8/9). If your program does not compile
or does not generate the correct output, you will not receive full credit
for this project.
You should be able to adapt your makefile from a previous project to work
for project 4. You should make sure that you have a makefile named either
or Makefile
and that when you type
your program compiles to an executable called
. Failure to follow these simple directions will
result in a reduced grade.
Now that you are designing your own classes, design will be one of the criteria
for your project grade. The grade for this project will be broken down as
50% Correctness
This tests that your program behaves the same way that
the sample does.
30% Design and Style
You should follow the coding standards and make sure your
coding style is consistent. In addition, your image class
should handle only image operations; the menu is not part
of the image.
20% Documentation
Commenting inline as well as header files.
What to Turn In
You should submit your Makefile
and any
files needed to build your program.
Submitting Your Project
When you have finished and tested your project you can submit it electronically
using submit
. The project name for this assignment is
. As an example, to submit your Makefile
, you
would type:
submit cs202 proj4 Makefile
More complete documentation for submit
and related commands
can be found here.
Last modified: 27 March 2000