UMBC CMSC 202, Spring 2000
Lecturer: Mr. James Kukla
Office: ECS 216
Office Hours: MW 4-5pm or by appointment
Telephone: 410-455-3967
Lecturer: Ms. Susan Mitchell
Office: ECS 225 L
Office Hours: M 2-3pm, T&Th 1-2pm, or by appointment
Telephone: 410-455-3099
Lecture Times and Places
Lecture: TuTh.......2:30pm- 3:45pm (LH5 ...) MITCHELL, S
0101 M.........10:00am-10:50am (CP 208) DIS
0102 W.........10:00am-10:50am (CP 208) DIS
0103 F.........10:00am-10:50am (CP 208) DIS
0104 W.........10:00am-10:50am (SS 209) DIS
Lecture: MW.........5:30pm- 6:45pm (LH5 ...) KUKLA, J
0201 M..........7:00pm- 7:50pm (CP 208) DIS
0202 W..........7:00pm- 7:50pm (CP 208) DIS
0203 M..........7:00pm- 7:50pm (SS 409) DIS
0204 W..........7:00pm- 7:50pm (SS 409) DIS
C++ with Object-Oriented Programming by Paul S. Wang
PWS Publishing Company
Course Description
This course continues the development of programming and problem-solving skills, focusing on recursion, pointers, data abstraction,
and procedural abstraction. Topics include: introduction to asymptotic notation; data structures including lists, stacks, queues, hash
tables and elementary binary search trees; sorting and searching; and an introduction to the C++ language and to object-oriented
programming. Programming projects for this course will use the C and C++ programming languages. This is the second course for
students interested in pursuing further study in computer science. Prerequisites: CMSC 201 and MATH 151.
CMSC Gateway
For students who enrolled in college for the first time in Summer 1998 or later,
you have two choices: pass both of CMSC 201 and CMSC 202 with a grade of B or better or don't graduate as a CMSC major. The registrar has very
specific rules about repeating courses in sequence and if you were to have a C
in 201 and then take and pass 202 expecting to retake 201,
you can't. Since the classes form a sequence, you cannot retake
an earlier class in the sequence once you've passed a later one.
The objectives of this course are:
- To learn programming in C++ and object-oriented programming.
- To master some basic data structures, including: linked lists, stacks, queues and binary search trees.
- To understand the fundamental programming concepts of abstract data types, recursion, memory allocation and functional parameters.
- To gain familiarity with basic algorithms for searching and sorting, including: hashing, binary search, Merge Sort and Quicksort.
There will be five projects worth a total of 45%. The breakdown for the
project portion of the grade is as follows:
Project 0 0%
Project 1 5%
Project 2 5%
Project 3 10%
Project 4 10%
Project 5 15%
There will be two midterms (15% each) and a final exam (25%).
Make-ups for exams are given under only the most dire circumstances
(almost never).
Grades will be on the standard curve:
0 <= F < 60
60 <= D < 70
70 <= C < 80
80 <= B < 90
90 <= A <= 100
Your grade is based on timely work accomplished during the semester;
incomplete grades will only be given for medical illness or other such
dire circumstances.
After each grade is returned, there is a grace period of one (1) week
during which you may come speak to me about any problems you have with
your grade. After that time, your grade stays where it is.
The critical programming skills cannot be learned simply by attending
the lectures. You should budget enough time to work on the projects
as well. Projects are due by midnight of the due date. If you fail
to turn in a project on time, a late penalty will be assessed (even if
it's only a few seconds late -- no excuses, no exceptions).
Projects will be graded according to four equal parts:
correctness, design, style, and documentation.
For details and an Important Warning
, see Project Submission and Grading Policy.
Lectures and Readings
You are expected to attend all lectures and your weekly discussion session.
You are responsible for all material covered in the lecture, even if they are
not in the textbook. You are responsible for the material in the readings,
even if they are not covered during lecture. There will be some number of
unannounced quizzes which may be given in either the lecture or the discussion,
so you should keep up with the assigned readings during the semester.
In general, any exams and quizzes will be closed-book and
closed-notes. The final exam will be comprehensive and cover the
material from the entire course.
Email Etiquette:
Email is great -- much better than voice mail. If you need to contact your
instructor about this class outside of lecture and office hours,
email is much better than the telephone. You should, however, observe the
following etiquette:
- Do not include your programs unless requested. Email is good
for lots of things, but it is horrible for debugging. You should use my
office hours, the TAs' office hours or the Help Center for debugging
- Use your real name. I get a lot of junk email (spam). Email from
"Hot Stuff" gets deleted without being read.
- Include a meaningful subject line, something like "CMSC 202
Project 2 question."
- If you ask a good question by email, I will send your question and
the reply to the entire class as well. If you do not want your question
repeated to the entire class, please state so clearly in your message.
- Know the difference between "reply" and "reply to all".
- Know how to include a plain text file in an email message without
sending it as an attachment. Attachments are really annoying. It is
rare that a plain text file needs to be sent as an attachment.
- You should also know that email is not secure. It is quite easy for
someone to send mail to you pretending to be someone else. When I send
important email messages (e.g. class cancellation notices, project
extensions, grade reports), I will sign the message using a digital
signature. You can then use the pgp utility to check that the message
indeed came from me, rather than someone pretending to be me.
Instructions on how to use pgp is available on the course web page.
202 F'99
Wednesday, 26-Jan-2000 16:17:58 EST