Due: Thursday, October 15, 2015 9:00PM
The objectives of this project are
1) to practice using C++ class syntax,
2) to practice using C++ vector and string classes.
For this project, you will implement member functions of a C++ class
that stores sets of strings. You will use the C++ vector class
to store the set. (More on this below.) This class will represent
not just finite sets of strings, but also some infinite sets of strings.
In particular, objects in this class can represent cofinite
sets. A set is cofinite if its complement is finite.
For example, the subset of natural numbers
{ 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ...}
is cofinite because it is the complement of the set
{ 0, 2, 3, 4, 6}.
In C++, we can represent a cofinite set by storing its complement and an
additional boolean value to indicate that we really want the complement
of the stored values.
It turns out that if two sets A and B are either finite or
cofinite, then their union, intersection and complements must also be
finite or cofinite.
For this project, you will implement member functions that will create
the union, intersection and complements of finite and cofinite sets of
You will also implement functions to compute the membership and subset
Your assignment is to implement the member functions of the class
SoS (short for "Set of Strings") defined below.
Each SoS object has two data members: m_cofinite,
m_vos. The value of m_cofinite is true if
the object represents a cofinite set. The vector object
m_vos has the strings in the representation. These are either
the strings that are in a finite set or the strings that are not in a
cofinite set. (For now you can think of a vector as an array.
They behave very much like lists in Python or ArrayLists in Java.
Section 7.3 of the textbook has an introduction to vectors.)
These should be the only data members you need. The requirements for
each member function is described below.
class SoS {
// Do not change the member function prototypes for
// any public member function.
// See documentation in Project 2 description.
SoS() ;
void insert(string str) ;
void print() const ;
bool isMember(string str) const ;
bool isSubset(const SoS& B) const ;
bool isFinite() const ;
SoS makeComplement() const ;
SoS makeUnion(const SoS& B) const ;
SoS makeIntersection(const SoS& B) const ;
// The function dump() is used for grading. Do not modify!
vector dump() const { return m_vos; }
// Do not change the types of these private data members
bool m_cofinite ;
vector m_vos ; // vos = vector of strings
// Declarations for Additional private member functions
// may be added below. Fully document these.
} ;
Here are the requirements for each member function.
- SoS() ;
The default constructor should set up the host object
as an empty set.
- void insert(string str) ;
This function should add the string str to the set
represented by the host object. You must not have duplicate values
stored in m_vos. This is after all a set.
Also, you may be inserting str into a cofinite set.
In this case, you would want to remove str from
m_vos if it is there. Although the vector class
does support an erase() method, it is simpler to construct a new
vector of strings that omits str and assign the new vector
to m_vos.
- void print() const ;
For finite sets, print out the strings in the set, one per line.
For cofinite sets, print out "COMPLEMENT OF:" followed by the
strings in m_vos, one per line.
- bool isMember(string str) const ;
Return true if str is a member of the set
represented by the host object.
Return false otherwise.
Do take care of the case where the host object is representing
a cofinite set.
- bool isSubset(const SoS& B) const ;
Return true if the host object represents a set that is
a subset of the set represented by B. (From now on,
we will just say "host object" and "B" instead of
"the set represented by the host object" and "the set represented by
Note that B is passed as a const reference.
You will have to take care of the four cases where the host object and
B are finite and cofinite:
- If both sets are finite, then you can just check whether each member of the
host object is a member of B.
- If the host object is cofinite and B is finite, then
the answer is always false because an infinite set is never
the subset of a finite set.
- If the host object is finite and B is cofinite, then
you can still check whether each member of the host object is a
member of B.
- Finally, if both sets are cofinite, then you have to consider
the contrapositive of the subset relation: check that every
non-member of B is a non-member of the host object. If this
is true for every non-member of B, then you cannot have
a member of the host object that is not in B. Thus, the
host object is a subset of B. Conversely, if you find
a non-member of B that is a member of the host
object, then clearly the host object is not a subset of B.
Fortunately, there are only a finite number of non-members of
B and they are all stored in m_vos.
- bool isFinite() const ;
Return true if the host object is a finite set and
false otherwise.
- SoS makeComplement() const ;
Return an SoS object that is the complement of the host
object. Note that you cannot just invert m_cofinite because that
does not return an object. Also, makeComplement() is a
const member function, so you cannot modify
m_cofinite anyway. So, you must make a copy of the host
with m_cofinite flipped and return that. (Yes, it is
OK to return a local object because it gets copied during the return.)
- SoS makeUnion(const SoS& B) const ;
Return an SoS object that is the union of the host object
and B. Again, you must create a new object.
As with isSubset(), you need to consider the four cases
where the host object and B are finite and cofinite.
Draw lots of Venn diagrams.
You should not have any duplicate strings
stored in m_vos member of the new SoS object.
- SoS makeIntersection(const SoS& B) const ;
Same as makeUnion() except this time you want the
intersection. Again, draw lots of Venn diagrams.
You should not have any duplicate strings
stored in m_vos member of the new SoS object.
- vector dump() const ;
The dump() member function is already implemented.
So, you don't have to do anything. It returns m_vos,
so we can check that your implementation is correct in
the main program. Normally, classes should not have such
a member function except for debugging purposes.
Implementation Issues
Here are some issues to consider and pitfalls to avoid. (You should read
these before coding!)
- Reminder: do not develop your programs in the submission
directories. Develop your programs in some other location in GL or on
your own computer. The files that you have in the submission directory
should not be your only copy of your code.
- You should not dynamically allocate any objects in your
program. That is, if you are using new or delete, you
are thinking about this wrong. The vector and string
classes are well behaved, so we also do not need a destructor (the
default destructor works fine) or a copy constructor or an overloaded
assignment operator.
- You might find it useful to use isMember() in the
implementation of the other member functions. However, remember that the
return value of isMember() is the opposite of what is stored
in m_vos when the set is cofinite. You might want to implement
a private member function that searches m_vos without regard to
m_cofinite. Either that or make very sure when you want
isMember() and when you want !isMember().
- On some compilers, to use the string class you must
- You can compare C++ strings with ==. You don't need to
use strncmp() because the string class has
overloaded comparison operators.
- Empty strings are strings.
- To use the vector class, you must
- Very quick tutorial on vector. (You should read
Section 7.3 of the textbook!)
The vector
class lets you create automatically expanding arrays of any type. The
type is enclosed in < and >.
vector A ; // "array" of ints
vector B ; // "array" of floats
vector C ; // "array" of strings
After that you can use A[i], B[i] and C[i] to
index an item in the vector. Indexing starts at zero, just like arrays.
You can use C.size() to retrieve the number of items in the
vector. Note that the last item in the vector C has index
C.size() - 1 .
Initially, a vector is empty. Indexing into a non-existent position in a
vector can cause a segmentation fault.
To add an item to a vector, use the push_back() method.
Don't forget the underscore character in push_back.
(This is analogous to append() for lists in Python.)
For example,
A.push_back(5) ;
B.push_back(3.14) ;
C.push_back("Hello World") ;
- The header file sos.h along with some test main programs
are available on GL here:
You should put your implementation of the SoS member functions
in a file called sos.cpp. You should not have a
main() function in sos.cpp. All main()
functions should be in a separate file. The test programs are not
exhaustive, you should make your own tests.
- On GL, you can compile the test program with your implementation
with one command, like this:
linux3% g++ -Wall -g test1.cpp sos.cpp
or separately, like this:
linux3% g++ -Wall -g -c sos.cpp
linux3% g++ -Wall -g -c test1.cpp
linux3% g++ -g sos.o test1.o
You only need to recompile sos.cpp and test1.cpp if
you change it.
Submitting your program
You should submit these files to the proj2 subdirectory:
- sos.h (The only change should be the addition of
private member function prototypes, if any.)
- sos.cpp This should contain your implementations
of all of the SoS member functions. This file
should not have a main() function.
- mytest.cpp A main program that exercises the
working parts of your submission. This is where you
tell us what works. If you could not get some member function to
work, don't test it here. We will test all functions with
other programs.
If you followed the directions in setting up shared directories, then
you can copy your code to the submission directory with:
cp sos.h sos.cpp mytest.cpp ~/cs202proj/proj2/
You can check that your program compiles and runs in the proj2 directory,
but please clean up any .o and executable files.
Again, do not develop your code in this directory and you should not have
the only copy of your program here.