. We can use main
to write
test code for the class. The primary focus of this testing is the public methods of the class.
In main
we perform the following basic steps. Note that we can use hard coded values
when we call constructors, mutators, and other class methods. There's no need for user input.
method to output
the values of these instance variables.attack
accepts the row/column coordinates of a square and determines if the ship occupies that square in the ocean.
If not, attack
returns MISS
. If so, the ship has been hit and attack
determines whether all squares that the ship occupies have been hit. If so, attack
, else it returns HIT
. The application that uses the Ship class guarantees
that attack
is never called with a particular row/column more than once. If this were not the case, we would make other calls to attack
for this case as well.
public class Ship {
public static final int VERTICAL = 0;
public static final int HORIZONTAL = 1;
public static final int HIT = 0;
public static final int MISS = 1;
public static final int SUNK = 2;
private int size, orientation;
private String name;
private int nrHits;
private int startRow, endRow, startColumn, endColumn;
* Preconditions: ????
* Postcondition: A well-formed ship object is created
* @param name - The name of the Ship
* @param orientation - One of the constants VERTICAL or HORIZONAL
* @param size - The number of adjacent squares the ship occupies on the grid
* @param row
* If orientation is HORIZONTAL, this is the row the ship is on
* If orientation is VERTICAL, this is the row of the upper-most square the ship occupies
* @param column
* If orientation is HORIZONTAL, this is the column of the left-most square the ship occupies
* If orientation is VERTICAL, this is the column the ship is in
public Ship (String name, int orientation, int size, int row, int column)
// code here
* Determines whether an attack on the ship was a MISS, a HIT, or a hit
* which SUNK the ship
* Preconditions:
* Postconditions: : if a hit, the number of hits is incremented.
* If the number of hits == size, then we've been sunk
* @param row The row coordinate of the attack
* @param col The column coordinate of the attack
* @return One of Ship constants HIT, MISS, or SUNK
public int attack( int row, int col)
// code here
public String getName( )
return name;
public int getNrHits( )
return nrHits;
In main
, we instantiate a ship object and call all accessors to validate their values
after construction. We then first call attack
with parameters which
are known to miss the ship. We print attack
's return value to verify that MISS
was actually returned. We next call attack
with parameters which we know will be a hit, and again
print the return value to verify that attack
actually returned HIT
We call attack
with paramters that continue to hit the ship until all but one square has been hit.
Finally we call attack
for the last square and verify that attack
public static void main (String args[])
// first create a Ship object
Ship s = new Ship("BattleShip", Ship.HORIZONTAL, 5, 2, 2);
// call all accessors and check the value returned
if (! s.getName( ).equals("BattleShip"))
System.out.println( "getName failed");
if (s.getNrHits( ) != 0)
System.out.println( "nrHits not zero after construction");
// attack the ship, but MISS on purpose.
// validate return value from attack and nrHits not incremented
int attackResult;
attackResult = s.attack(1,1);
if (attackResult != MISS)
System.out.println( "attack at 1,1 was not a MISS");
if (s.getNrHits( ) != 0)
System.out.println( "nrHits not zero after initial MISS");
// attack the ship, and HIT on purpose
attackResult = s.attack(1,1);
if (attackResult != MISS)
System.out.println( "attack at 1,1 was not a MISS");
if (s.getNrHits( ) != 0)
System.out.println( "nrHits not zero after initial MISS");
attackResult = s.attack(2, 2);
if (attackResult != HIT)
System.out.println( "attack at 2,2 was not a HIT");
if (s.getNrHits( ) != 1)
System.out.println( "nrHits not 1 after initial HIT");
// hit all but one of the remaining squares the ship occupies
s.attack( 2, 3 );
s.attack( 2, 4 );
s.attack( 2, 5 );
// now attack the last square to SINK the ship
attackResult = s.attack(2, 6);
if (attackResult != SUNK)
System.out.println( "attack at 2,5 was not SUNK");
if (s.getNrHits( ) != 5)
System.out.println( "nrHits not 5 sinking ship");