CMSC 202 - Project 5

Queues of All Shapes and Sizes

Assigned Tuesday November 28, 2006
Design Due Tuesday December 5, 2006 at 11:59 pm
Program Due Tuesday December 12, 2006 at 11:59 pm
  • November 30 - Exception class files
  • November 30 - Iterator EC added == and !=
  • December 8 - Updated Tourney example, total of 6 games played


General Project Description

You have just recently started an internship with GamesCo - a local interactive game company and your supervisor wants you to create an electronic version of the old BattleShip game. You will be responsible for creating the interface that users will see, all of the game logic, a networking component that will allow users to play each other head-to-head, and an artificial-intelligence component that will allow users to play the computer.

Each phase of this project will add on a different component so that by the end of the five phases, you will have a completely operational BattleShips game.

Project Description

In this final iteration of the BattleShip system, you will be required to use templates and exceptions to enhance your code to work within a variety of applications and to more elegantly handle errors.

In addition to the BattleShip game, your boss has requested you to generate a "Tournament Application" that will schedule a collection of players to compete against one another in a fair way. The goal for the application is to schedule games approximately equally across all of the players, obviously this is impossible, but your boss believes that you can get close by using a Queue to schedule the matches.

Since you already developed a Queue class for another part of the project, you would like to reuse this code by modifying the Queue class to support templates so that the same class can be used in the BattleShip and Tournament applications.


BattleShip Functional Description

The BattleShip game must function exactly as specified in Project 4.

BattleShip Design Requirements

Your BattleShip application must support Exceptions and Templates.


You will need to modify your Queue and Node classes to support templates. Your Queue objects will be defined similarly to the corresponding STL class, in example: Queue<int> q1; Queue<Square> q2; Queue<string> q3; Queue<double> q4; Queue<Stuff> q5; Your Queue class will work with both the BattleShip application and the Tournament application. Your Queue class must throw exceptions when error conditions are detected.


You will need to modify your application to use Exceptions to handle all errors. Your exceptions should be named for the error that they represent and not the location of the error. You must throw and catch each exception at the most appropriate locations (sometimes this will be main, sometimes it will be a class or other function). Don't forget to account for miscellaneous STL exceptions like bad_alloc and out_of_bounds (you need not specify the type when catching these, but you must catch them). Your current strategies for error handling (returning false to indicate an error, alerting the user, exiting the program, etc.) should all be modified to throw an exception. Exceptions should be handled in the smallest scope that is reasonable - not all of them will be passed to the main() function.

You may put all of your Exception classes into a single pair of Exception.h and Exception.cpp files.


Tournament Functional Description

The Tournament Scheduler must function according to the following algorithm: Your output must be "reasonably" formatted including appropriate spacing and tabular alignment (hint: remember setw(), left and right?)

Selecting a Winner

As your boss is not requiring you to actually run the tournament, you should simply compare the two player's userID and whichever is "less than" (using the standard ASCII encoding) should be declared as the winner of the match.

Tournament Example Input File

Your tournament application requires a single file with a series of userIDs listed. These will be single "words" with no spaces within a userID and any alphabetic character or number is acceptable. Each userID will be on a line all by itself. Here is an example of a tournament player list: fred6 john7 mary56 hgo6 oemje10 oweng9 yu90

Tournament Example Output

Below is an example of what the output might be for the above input file. fred6 won against john7 hgo6 won against mary56 oemje10 won against oweng9 fred6 won against yu90 hgo6 won against oemje10 fred6 won against hgo6 fred6 is the Tournament Champion! fred6 played 3 games john7 played 1 game mary56 played 1 game hgo6 played 3 games oemje10 played 2 games oweng9 played 1 game yu90 played 1 game Average games played: 1.71 Median games played: 1 Total games played: 6

Tournament Guarantees

You may assume that the command line will have a single argument that is an existing filename.
You may assume that the file is correctly formatted and the userIDs are perfectly valid.
You need not do ANY input-error checking for this application.

Running your Tournament

Modify your makefile to build both the Proj5 and a 'Tourney' application (you must name it exactly 'Tourney'). A single make command (make Proj5) must make both applications.

To run your Tourney application, simply provide it with a single command line parameter that is the name of the userID file:

Tourney users.txt

Tournament Design Requirements

Your Tournament application must use a templated Queue (that you have written!) to Enqueue and Dequeue players during the Tournament. This must be the same class that is used by the BattleShip Application. Your application must handle exceptions from the Queue class, but need not throw its own exceptions.

Extra Credit

You can implement neither, one or both of the extra credit components.

Stack vs. Queue (10 pts)

Even though your boss requires you to use a Queue for the Tournament application, you are interested on how the results might change if a Stack was used instead. Implement a templated Stack class (LIFO - last in, first out) to support the Tournament application. As before, simply add a second command-line parameter to the Tournament application to determine which class to use (STACK or QUEUE). Hint: to simplify your coding, think about how you can create a templated function to handle the Tournament play without knowing whether a Stack or Queue is being used. You may consider using the same method names for both the Stack and Queue classes (even though the actions are different - another form of polymorphism!).

You must develop a test-suite comparing and contrasting the performance of the Stack-based and Queue-based Tournaments. What differenced did you see? How do these differences help you understand a Queue or a Stack better? Is there a significant difference with different numbers of players? What about when there are only a few players? What about when there are a large number of players?

In a README file for the grader, develop an argument for which strategy you believe is best (Stack vs. Queue). Support your argument with a detailed analysis of the performance of each strategy. Discuss your analysis, pointing out how it supports your argument. Discuss any possible rebuttals to your argument. Discuss your testing strategy and clearly describe how to run your tests (using an automated test-suite).

Submit your README file and any files needed to run your test-suite.

To run your Stack or Queue application:

Tourney names.txt STACK Tourney names.txt QUEUE

Queue Iterators (10 pts)

Using what you know about iterators (basically, they are "fancy" pointers), implement an Iterator class that works with your templated Queue. At minimum, your iterators and Queue class must support the following:
Queue Iterator
The following is an example of code that uses the above operations to print all of the items in the Queue: Queue<int> numbers; // code cut: store some integers in the Queue... for (Iterator iter = numbers.begin(); iter != numbers.end(); ++iter) { cout << *iter << endl; }

Create a third application named 'Iters' (again, the single Proj5 target must make this executable as well) that uses and thoroughly tests each of these operators to accept strings from a user, store them in the Queue, print the Queue in order and then print the Queue in reverse order. You may safely assume that anything the user enters is able to be stored in a c++ string and the extraction operator is sufficient. You need not do any input-error checking in this application. You need not support exceptions in any way in this application. You must use the templated Queue class for this application. Submit this application file and any other files required to run the application.

Your application must accept a single command-line parameter that represents the file with some strings in it. An example input file might be:

adosifnoiwenfw oweifnwe fw wre 2 3t The output your application should produce for the above list: IN ORDER: adosifnoiwenfw oweifnwe fw wre 2 3t REVERSED: 3t 2 wre fw oweifnwe adosifnoiwenfw To run your application: Iters words.txt

General Tips

Project Design Assignment

Your project design document for this project must be named p5design.txt. Be sure to read the design specification carefully. Submit your design in the usual way: submit cs202 Proj5 p5design.txt Remember - the design is due ONE WEEK before the project. Late designs will not be accepted.

Project Makefile

The "make" utility is used to help control projects with large numbers of files. It consists of targets, rules, and dependencies. You will be learning about make files in lab. For this project, the makefile will be provided for you. You will be responsible for providing makefiles for all future projects. Copy the file makefile from Ms. Wortman's public directory to your directory.

When you want to compile and link your program, simply type the command make or make Proj5 at the Linux prompt. This will compile all necessary .cpp files and create the executable named Proj5.

The make utility can also be used for compiling a single file without linking. For example, to compile Proj5.cpp, type make Proj5.o.

In addition to compiling and linking your files, make can be used for maintaining your directory. Typing make clean will remove any extraneous files in your directory, such as .o files and core files. Typing make cleanest will remove all .o files, core files, Proj5 executable and backup files created by the editor. More information about these commands can be found at the bottom of the makefile.

You MUST use the /usr/local/bin/g++ compiler to compile and build each file. Do not depend on setting your default compiler to be this compiler, the grader may use a different compiler. There are two compilers on the GL systems, and you are required to use the one located at /usr/local/bin/g++. Also, you MUST be sure to use the same compiler for compiling ALL of your files - different compilers make different .o files and they will NOT play well together.


The grade for this project will be broken down as follows. A more detailed breakdown will be provided in the grade form you receive with your project grade.

85% - Correctness

This list may not be comprehensive, but everything on this list will be verified by the graders.

15% - Coding Standards

Your code adheres to the
CMSC 202 coding standards as discussed and reviewed in class.

Project Submission

Steps for Submission

  1. submit all files
  2. submitls to verify they are in the remote directory
  3. submitmake to build your files remotely
  4. submitrun to run your files remotely
Assuming you've used the recommended file names, then to submit your project, type the command submit cs202 Proj5 Proj5.cpp Proj5Aux.cpp Proj5Aux.h Makefile The order in which the files are listed doesn't matter. However, you must make sure that all files necessary to compile your project (using the makefile) are listed. You need not submit all files at the same time. You may resubmit your files as often as you like, but only the last submittal will be graded and will be used to determine if your project is late. For more information, see the projects page on the course website.

You can check to see what files you have submitted by typing

submitls cs202 Proj5

Be sure to build your project once it has been submitted using the submitmake command, so that you know that all of the files are there and are the most up-to-date versions:

/afs/ cs202 Proj5

Test your program to ensure that all files are the most recent versions:

/afs/ cs202 Proj5 [Don't forget the command line parameters as necessary!]

Details on Submit Tools.

Remember -- if you make any change to your program, no matter how insignificant it may seem, you should recompile and retest your program before submitting it. Even the smallest typo can cause compiler errors and a reduction in your grade.

Avoid unpleasant surprises!

Be sure to use the submitmake and submitrun utilities provided for you to compile, link and run your program after you've submitted it.