General Project Description
You have just recently started an internship with GamesCo - a local interactive
game company and your supervisor wants you to create an electronic version of
the old BattleShip game. You will be responsible for creating the interface
that users will see, all of the game logic, a networking component that will
allow users to play each other head-to-head, and an artificial-intelligence
component that will allow users to play the computer.
Each phase of this project will add on a different component so that by the
end of the five phases, you will have a completely operational BattleShips
Project Description
Class Description
For the second phase of the project, your boss requires that you modify your
application to take advantage of Object-Oriented Programming by introducing
the following objects which are described in the Design Requirements:
- Game Board - a class that represents the game board
- Human Player - a class that represents a human player
- Computer Player - a class that represents a computer player
You are free to add any more classes that you believe work within your
Functional Description
There are several modifications to the functionality of the Project from
Project 1. Your application should do the following tasks:
- Print an introduction to the user describing what the current application
does and how to play the game (keep this brief, assume that the user
already knows how to play BattleShip).
- Accept and use 2 command line arguments, in the following order
- The first is the name of the text file that has the human's ship
configuration stored in it.
- The second is the name of the text file for the computer's ships.
- Accept a third, optional command line argument that must have one of the
two following values (capitalization must be exact):
- HUMAN - indicates that the human player will go first
- COMP - indicates that the computer player will go first
If no argument is supplied, then a random selection is made as to who will
play first. Hint: Look up the srand() and rand() functions.
- Loop as long as there is no winner
- Let a player take a turn, repeat request for a board position until a
valid position is given by the player.
- Report the result to the human player (for both players)
- Record the result
- Report who the winner of the game is
- Exit the program
Error Handling Updated!
Your application should handle errors in the following ways:
- If the human board does not exist: report the error, print a "usage"
message, exit the program.
- If the computer board does not exist: report the error, print a "usage"
message, exit the program.
- If the HUMAN/COMP argument is not supplied: choose a random player to go
- If the HUMAN/COMP argument is invalid: report the error, print a "usage"
message, exit the program.
- If the user enters an invalid position: report an error, reprompt for
another position (continue to reprompt as long as position is invalid).
The following are guarantees that you can assume:
- If a board file exists, it will be properly formatted.
- Users will enter in exactly 2 characters followed by a return with a single
space between the 2 characters.
- Users may enter alphanumeric or punctuation characters.
- The board file will be formatted in exactly the same way as Project 1.
Design and Implementation Requirements
You are required to design and implement the following classes:
- Game Board - this class stores the board and provides operations
that give access to the board for a human or computer user. In keeping
with information hiding principles, think very carefully about how the
players should get access to the individual positions on the board.
- Human Player - this class is responsible for interacting with the
human user, displays the board to the user, and handles any record keeping
the user needs in order to play the game.
- Computer Player - this class is responsible for handling the human's
opponent, any strategy that player uses, and any record keeping that the
opponent needs in order to play the game.
You may add any other classes that your application requires. It is up to you
to determine what the best way for the above classes to interact, there are
many acceptable solutions, no one is necessarily better than another.
In designing your classes, adhere to the following guidelines:
- Support high cohesion - each class should have a responsibility and
should handle it very well - this responsibility may have many components,
but all operations within the class should be tightly connected to one another.
- Support low coupling - classes should not be dependent upon the
internal representation of data from another class. For example, if one class
uses a vector to store data, other classes should not know that a vector is
being used - they should have some other method for accessing vector items.
- Demonstrate aggregation - classes should store instances of other
classes as data members.
- Functional cohesion - as with functions, each method of a class
should have a single job, and do that job very well.
- Data storage - data should not be duplicated within a single class
or between classes, store information in a single place and allow access to
that data using appropriate mechanisms.
- Limit input/output in classes - it is acceptable to localize the
use of cout/cin to Input and Output function (like Print()), however, it is
more acceptable to pass an istream or ostream to the function (i.e. cin/cout)
as a parameter. These parameters must be pass by reference.
Class methods must obey all of the coding style standards required of general
purpose functions.
Tips for Developing Classes
- You will need to add a target for each of your classes to your makefile.
Begin by creating the .cpp and .h files for each of your classes, and
performing a make.
- Develop your classes slowly. Begin development of the Board class,
start with just a simple .h file with no methods, save, compile. Get your
Board class to work in your current application before adding functionality.
- Implement "stub" methods that do not carry out their entire task, but
return a valid response. These methods will gradually be fleshed out.
- Add precondition checking to each of your methods. Save, compile.
- Develop a simple main function for each class to run and test each method
as you develop them.
- Add one method at a time. Modify the testing main to check for this newly
implemented method. Save, compile, run, test.
- DO NOT try and implement an ENTIRE class at once - you will spend more
time debugging and correcting your errors than if you develop testing
applications and test each method as you develop it.
- Add about 5 lines of code in each iteration. Save, compile, run, test.
You may continue to have functions that are not associated with an individual
class. These "helper" functions should be defined in the Auxiliary files as
- Limit the use of these "helper" functions by your classes. No access to
these functions is the preferred design. Classes can instead use private
methods that serve as helper functions.
- All functions called from main() or any other function, must be
implemented in a separate file named Proj2Aux.cpp. The prototypes for
these functions must be found in a file named Proj2Aux.h.
- Be sure your function header comments list the pre- and post-conditions
and handle each pre-condition that is not met.
- Review the class notes on the different methods of passing
parameters. Each is best for a different situation.
General Tips Updated!
- TEST your program thoroughly - the makefile provided has a 'make test'
target that you can use to ensure that your application will work with our
test suite. HOWEVER, you need to test your application using other boards that
you create yourself. Be sure to examine the guarantees closely and be sure
that your project handles all of the "tough" cases.
- Be sure to name your Aux files as noted above, otherwise, you will have to
modify the makefile we provided for Project 1. You will have to add rules for
each of your classes that you add to your project.
- Because your program will be tested using Unix redirection, DO NOT prompt
for any input not specified in the project description.
- Use incremental development, develop one function at a time, write code
that will thoroughly test it, run and test it, then move on to another function.
Don't be afraid to write testing code that you will eventually get rid of.
- This project is approximately 150 - 250 lines of code... don't
- Ms Wortman's public directory for this project is
- Do not cheat, you will be caught. Do not look at another student's code -
it is very tempting to "borrow" an algorithm. Do not show your code to
another student. Use the Tutors, TA's, and Instructors.
- Make sure you have completed Project 0.
- Check the discussion board before emailing a TA or Instructor - your
question has probably already been answered.
Project Design Assignment
Your project design document for project 2 must be named p2design.txt.
Be sure to read the
Project Makefile
The "make" utility is used to help control projects with large numbers of files.
It consists of targets, rules, and dependencies. You will be learning about
make files in lab. For this project, begin my modifying the makefile provided
to you from Project 1.
When you want to compile and link your program, simply type
the command make or make Proj2
at the Linux prompt.
This will compile all necessary .cpp files and create the
executable named Proj2.
The make utility can also be used for compiling a single file without
linking. For example, to compile Proj2.cpp, type make Proj2.o.
In addition to compiling and linking your files, make can be used
for maintaining your directory. Typing make clean will remove any
extraneous files in your directory, such as .o files and core files.
Typing make cleanest will remove all .o files, core files, Proj2
executable and backup files created by the editor. More information about
these commands can be found at the bottom of the makefile.
If you are building your own makefile, you MUST use the /usr/local/bin/g++
compiler to compile and build each file. Do not depend on setting your default
compiler to be this compiler, the grader may use a different compiler. There
are two compilers on the GL systems, and you are required to use the one
located at /usr/local/bin/g++.
The grade for this project will be broken down as follows. A more detailed
breakdown will be provided in the grade form you receive
with your project grade.
85% - Correctness
This list may not be comprehensive, but everything on this list will be
verified by the graders.
- Your project produces all required output.
- The output produced is correct.
- The output is in an acceptable format.
- Your program follows good top-down design principles.
- All function parameters are passed using the appropriate method.
- const variables are used wherever appropriate.
- All unmet function pre-conditions are handled.
- Classes demonstrate high cohesion.
- Classes demonstrate low coupling.
- Classes demonstrate appropriate distribution of tasks.
- All project requirements are met.
15% - Coding Standards
Your code adheres to the