CMSC 202 -- Fall 2006
Computer Science II for Majors
Ms. Dana Wortman -- Sections 0101 -- 0105
Mr. Sa'ad Raouf -- Sections 0201 -- 0205
Course Information
- Recent News:
- September 27
DO NOT contact Ms. Dawn Block about your grade, she CANNOT help you. You MUST
contact your TA with questions or concerns about your grade.
- September 27
Homework 1 grades have been emailed to you. Contact your TA if you have
questions about your grade.
- September 17
Project 1 has been posted under "Projects"
- September 10
Homework 1 has been posted under "Projects"
- September 10
The submitmake and submitrun scripts have been updated. Please try those
commands again.
- General Information:
- Course Work:
- Getting Help: