The UMBC UNIX system runs two different versions of UNIX. The systems known as linuxl and linux2 run the version of UNIX called Linux. The systems known as irix1 and irix2 run the version of UNIX called Irix.
The project graders will use either linux1 or linux2 to compile and test your program. Therefore, ALL PROJECTS must compile and execute on linux1 and linux2. If your project will not compile on linux1 or linux2, you will receive a major point deduction.
You will be using the g++
compiler. ALWAYS compile your
program using the -ansi
and -Wall
options as explained in class. The graders will ALWAYS use these options
when compiling your program.
See "Project Compilation" in the main 202 Syllabus for more details.
All projects must adhere to the CMSC 202 Coding Standards. A summary of the coding standards is also available.
Project Descriptions
All projects in this course are related to implementing a model of
a single system.
This common theme thoughout the projects has two purposes
As we go through the semester, projects will become more complex and use more advanced
OO and C++ concepts. Your ability to write reusable code and code that is easy to modify
will go a long way to making the later projects easier to implement.