CMSC Coding Standards Summary

The following summary of CMSC 202 coding standards is provided as a checklist for your project submittals. Please read the fully detailed coding standards.

Coding standards make up 15% of each programming project. Although every attempt is made to summarize each coding standard, some may have been inadvertently left off this list. It is your repsonsibility to read and understand the complete coding standards document.

Minor deviations from the standard carry a 1 or 5 point deduction depending on how many infractions are found.
Major deviations from the standard carry a 5 or 10 point deduction depending on how many infractions are found.
Serious deviations from the standard carry a 10 or 15 point deduction depending on how many infractions are found.

For example, if 1 to 3 function name(s) does/do not follow the function naming convention, expect a 1-point deduction. If more than three function names fail to follow the function naming convention, expect a 5-point deduction.

You should expect to have points deducted from your project score for each of the following line items.

    Minor Infractions (1 or 5 points)

  1. use of file extensions other than .cpp and .h
  2. primary file ( the one with main() ) not named projN.cpp (e.g. Proj1.cpp)
  3. executable not named ProjN (e.g. Proj3)
  4. .h files not guarded
  5. failure to follow naming conventions for
  6. use of poorly named variables, constants or functions
  7. function prototypes with unnamed parameters
  8. insufficient or improper use of const for parameters, return types and class methods
  9. insufficient or improper use of reference parameters or return types

    Major Infractions (5 or 10 points)

  10. multiple classes defined in one header file
  11. multiple classes implemented in one .cpp file
  12. multiple private and/or public sections in class definition
  13. default values for parameters not specified in the prototype
  14. use of magic numbers and magic strings
  15. improper use of single-letter variable names
  16. code that is unreadable
    This would include such items as
  17. incomplete or missing file header comments
  18. incomplete or missing function header comments, in particular missing or meaningless pre- and post-conditions
  19. unhandled function pre-conditions
  20. class methods performing input or output

    Serious Infractions (10 or 15 points)

  21. class method(s) implemented in header file
  22. class data members that are not private
  23. use of global variables