Resources Still having trouble with Unix? Check out these class notes from CMSC 121 Common g++ compiler and linker errorsLast Update:15 November 2004 A general C/C++ reference page A good tutorial on debugging in general and gdb in particular Assorted resources courtesy of the Computer Science Help Center. This page has help for Unix, emacs, pico, makefiles, debuggers and other good stuff. A Make Tutorial An introduction to gdb An introduction to the basics of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) A summary of the C++ string class including information on using getline( ) A summary of the C++ vector class A web page on formatted I/O A list of C++ reference books Help with UNIX and emacs/xemacs Help with pine Computer Science Help Center (walk-in help with projects) Learning Resources Center (private tutoring) Office of Information Technology (OIT) (help with your gl account) Linux User's Group (LUG)