Project 3 Design
Due Date
- Before midnight, Sunday 10/27/02
- No late designs accepted
The objective of this assignment is to make sure that you begin thinking
about your project in a serious way early. This will not only give you
experience doing design work, but will help you anticipate the number of
hours that you'll need to set aside to be able to complete the project.
The Assignment
Your design document should consist of a reasonable attempt at the writing of
the class definitions for the Library, Book and Patron classes.
Write them assuming that you will be implementing all
Be sure to use const
everywhere that is appropriate.
Your design assignment must indicate any additional public methods
you feel are necessary and provide their justification. Insufficient
justification will result in point deductions.
What To Turn In
This design document is to be a plain text file created using a text editor.
Do NOT use a word processor to create this document. The file MUST be
called design3.txt
Your design3.txt file will count as 10% of your Project 3 grade. If this
file is not submitted by its due date, or if you submit a new version
after its due date, you will lose all 10 points.
Your design3.txt file will be assessed as to whether or not you made a reasonable
attempt at writing the class definitions for the required classes.
Anywhere from 0 to 10 points may be deducted, depending
on how sincere and complete your attempt was.
Submitting the Design File
To submit your design document, type the following at the Linux prompt.
Note that the project name starts with uppercase 'P'.
submit cs202 Proj3 design3.txt
To verify that your design document was submitted, type the
following command at the Linux prompt. It will show all files that
you submitted in a format similar to the Linux 'ls' command.
submitls cs202 Proj3