CMSC 202 Project Late Policy
Projects will be accepted up to two (2) days late. This means 48 hours from
the due date of the project. You will lose ten (10) points per day for late
work. If after two days you have not submitted your project, you will receive a
zero (0) for your grade on that project.
An example:
Project Foo is due on April 1, 2000. The project is due before
This means that if your project is not submitted by 23:59:59 on April 1,
2000, your project is late. You will lose ten (10) points right off
the top of your grade.
If you still have not submitted your project
by April 2, 2000 at 23:59:59, you lose another ten (10) points.
The best grade you can now receive is an 80.
Finally, if April 3, 2000 23:59:59 comes and goes without your project
submission, you will receive a zero (0) for your grade on Project Foo.
Note that 23:59:59 means 11:59:59 PM