CMSC 202 News and Announcements

Date Announcement
2000/09/23 The proj1 executable file has been fixed. The program rejected solvable mazes when start and end row were the same. This behavior is fixed and I've verified that the program will accept and solve mazes with entrances and exits on all sides.

New mazes have been added for testing and the existing "unsolveable" mazes have been brought up to meet the all-mazes-will-have-exactly-two-doors requirement; the path is now blocked inside the maze rather than on the edge.

2000/09/23 This is a link to a web site that generates random mazes. Each time that you go to the link, a new maze is generated.
2000/11/07 The "early grades" for Mr. Kukla's exam will be delayed due to the volume of requests received. These grades will be back by sometime Wednesday (tomorrow) but will not be returned tonight. Out of the three students who suggested that they might need this exam grade to determine whether or not they drop the class, thirty (30) asked to have their exams graded as quickly as possible. ;-)
2000/11/13 CMSC 202 020x lecture is cancelled for this evening.