Review Sheet for Exam 1
Exam 1 will cover all material presented in lecture since the beginning of the semester, with the exception of classes (9/28 lecture). Use the topics below as a guide in studying for the exam.
- Software Development
- What the five phases in the Software Development Life Cycle are and what basically happens in each (in the "real world", not for CMSC202 projects)
- Recursion
- The concepts of the runtime stack and activation records
- How to follow and diagram the execution of a recursive function
- How to write a recursive function
- What the following types of recursion are: direct, indirect, mutual, tail, linear, tree
- Searching and Sorting
- How linear and binary searches work conceptually
- How each sort (bubble, selection, merge, quicksort) works conceptually
- How to code the bubble and selection sorts
- How to code the recursive functions (only) for the merge and quick sorts
- How the merge sort and quicksort work conceptually
- Why one might choose one search or sort over another
- Runtime Efficiency and Asymptotic Analysis
- The concept of Big-Oh
- The Big-Oh for all of the searches and sorts above
- The most common functions encountered in Big-Oh analysis, from slowest to most rapid growth
- The effect of constants and factors in Big-Oh functions
- How to choose which algorithm to use based on its Big-Oh and other factors
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