UMBC CMSC 202, Computer Science II, Spring 1999,
Sections 0201, 0202
Project 2: A Collection of Strings
Due: Monday, March 14, 1999
Pseudocode Due: March 5
The objectives of this project are
- to practice writing and testing classesin C++,
- to practice using the new and delete operators, and
- to use quicksort to sort a collection of strings.
Character strings are important data items in a wide variety of
applications. Because "string" is not a built-in data type in C,
it is common to use a String class in C++ to overcome some of the
shortcomings of strings in C, as well as to provide additional
functionality and programmer convenience. In this project, you
will begin by writing a simple class to encapsulate string data
and string operations.
Collections of strings are also frequently required. Classes
that represent a collection of objects are called collection
or container classes. As a second step in this project,
you will write a container class for strings.
Class header files are provided, but you will need to add the
documentation for member functions. You will also need to design and
write a test program to throroughly test the String class and
its member functions.
- Begin thinking about this project early. Draw pictures and write
pseudocode. To help motivate you to do this, 10 points of this project
will be earned by turning in pseudocode for the following functions:
- From the
- Overloaded assignment operator
- Overloaded + operator
- From the
Your pseudocode will be collected in the discussion sections during the
week of March 1. It may be printed by computer or handwritten.
Be sure your name, SSN, and section number appears. You will lose points if
your section number is missing. No pseudocode will be accepted after
March 5.
- Write a class called
. The class body is given
below. Put the class body in String.H
and implement the
member functions in String.C
. Note that Length()
is an inline function, so it will be defined in String.H
class String {
char* _cptr;
int _length;
String (char* str);
String (const String& str);
inline int Length();
void Display();
String& operator= (const String& str);
String operator+ (const String& str);
int operator== (const String& str);
int operator!= (const String& str);
int operator< (const String& str);
int operator> (const String& str);
int operator<= (const String& str);
int operator>= (const String& str);
Here are some notes and hints on some of the String
member functions:
- default constructor: construct a empty string
(_length = 0, _cptr = NULL)
- constructor that takes argument of type
It is assumed that the char
pointer points to a null-terminated
array of characters. The String object should be initialized to contain
a copy of the characters in this array.
- Length: return the length of the string
- overloaded + operator: return a String which is the
result of concatenating the strings represented by the host object
and the object passed as a parameter. Do not change the host object.
- overloaded relational operators: compare two String objects
lexographically (Hint: use
- Display: print the character string on the screen followed
by a newline character
- Write a test program to test all of the member functions of
class. Your main()
should be defined in a source file called TestString.C
The statements in your test program should be clearly commented to
indicate where each member function is being tested.
- Write a class called
. This will be a container
class that does not allow duplicates. The class body is given
below. Put the class body in StringCollection.H
implement the member functions in StringCollection.C
. Note
that Count()
is an inline function, so it will be defined
in StringCollection.H
class StringCollection {
int _count;
String* _array;
void Quicksort (String a[], int i, int j);
inline void Exchange (String b[], int i, int j);
int Partition (String a[], int low, int high);
int Add (const String& str);
inline int Count();
int Contains (const String& str);
void Sort();
void Display();
Here are some notes and hints on some of the StringCollection
member functions:
- default constructor: construct an empty collection
- Add: add a String object to the collection. This is a
boolean function that returns false if a String with the same characters
is already in the set.
- Count: return the number of objects in the collection
- Contains: return true or false to indicate if there is an
object in the collection that contains the same characters as the
String object specified as a parameter
- Sort: sort the collection (using quicksort)
- Quicksort, Partition, and Exchange: adapt the source code
in the textbook (pp. 80-81).
- Display: print the collection on the screen, one per line
(Hint: call the Display() function in the String class for each
String in the collection.)
Put the
shown below in a file called
. Use this to test your StringCollection
The executable should be called Proj2
int main() {
const int num_words = 13;
char* words[num_words] =
{"virtual", "class", "operator", "try", "friend",
"this", "delete", "private", "inline", "template",
"friend", "const", "new" };
StringCollection some_keywords;
for (int i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) {
String temp (words[i]);
if (! some_keywords.Add (temp)) {
cout << words[i] << " is a duplicate, not added" << endl;
cout << "After sort: " << endl;
return 0;
- Adapt your makefile for this project so that your test program for
the String class is an additional target. The name of the executable
should be
, and the following command line should
make it:
make TestString
Implementation Issues
- In the
class, the memory for the character array
must be dynamically allocated, with no predefined limit on the length
of the string.
- Your
class should use a dynamically
allocated array of String
objects. There should be no
limit on the number of String objects that can be stored in the collection.
You will have to decide on an allocation strategy. It does not have to
efficient, but make sure that it works! Here are three possibilities:
- Each time you add a String to the collection, allocate a new array
which is one element bigger. Copy all the elements from the old
array to the new array, then destroy the old array.
- Instead of just making room for one new element at a time, expand
the array in "chunks", say 10 elements. Then you will only have
to reallocate and copy on every tenth add.
- Whenever you have the expand the array, make it twice as big.
- You must have quicksort coded in your project. You may not use
from the C run-time library.
- For this project, you should submit a makefile and six source files
named as follows:
- Proj2.C
- String.h
- String.C
- StringCollection.h
- StringCollection.C
- TestString.C
Extra Credit
There are many features and functions that could be added to the classes
in this project, providing enhanced functionality and improved efficiency.
Later in the course, you will also learn a better alternative to the
functions, namely overloading the output (insertion)
operator. Here are three improvements you can make for extra credit. Each
is worth 5 points; you many do any, all, or none, up to a maximum of 15 points.
Note: in order to get extra credit, the item you implement must work
completely. In other words, extra credit is all-or-nothing.
- Add an overloaded
operator to the String
class. Add statements in TestString.C
to test it.
- Add a copy constructor to the
class. Add
statements in Proj2.C
to test it.
- Implement a binary search in the
function in
the StringCollection