UMBC CMSC 202, Computer Science II, Spring 1999, Sections 0101, 0102, 0103, 0104

Project Organization

File Organization

The organization and structure of the files for a C++ program is important. Poorly organized files make code maintenance and debugging difficult. Here are the rules for file organization for projects:


Every file is to be headed by comments giving the name of the file, your name, the creation and current dates, and a brief description of the file's contents.

The header file for a class presents the public interface for the class. We adopt the convention that class documentation is done in the header file. Implementation files may be documented also, but this is documentation for the programmer, not for the class user.

For an example of header file documentation, see the sample header below. You are encouraged to adopt this sample style. If you prefer your own style, that's ok, but it must meet the specifications laid out here.

Documentation of a class is to include the following information:


There is no universally-accepted coding standard for C++ programs. When you get that super high-paying job after graduation, you will most likely have to work to some coding standard. Most standards are arbitrary, but serve the important function of making your code more readable for others following the standard. Standards can also help in bug detection. Standards are good, but there is no one good standard.

For projects in this class, use the following coding standard:


Every project must be submitted with an associated makefile. The makefile is to be named either Makefile or makefile, your choice.

The grader will compile your submitted project by typing 'make,' so your makefile must correctly make your project. This includes correct naming of the executable. See below for an example makefile. This example can be easily modified for each project; change the PROJ and SOURCES definitions and make the appropriate changes in the targets and commands.

The example makefile can be used to obtain a nice-looking printout of your code. Just type make print and a Postscript file will be produced, ready for printing on any Postscript printer.

The makefile can also be used to submit your project. As long as you have SOURCES correctly defined, it will submit all the required files. Just type make submit to submit your project.

Remember that the command lines following the target line are indented by the TAB character, not by spaces.

Example Makefile

#  Makefile
#  CMSC-202  Spring 1999    Project 1
#  Alan Baumgarten
#  Created: 26 January 1999
#  Current: 26 January 1999

PROJ    = Proj1
CC      = CC
CCFLAGS = -g -n32

$(PROJ).C \
PrintJob.H \
PrintJob.C \
PrintQueue.H \
PrintQueue.C \
Printer.H \

PrintJob.o \
PrintQueue.o \

SUBMITCLASS  = cs202-01

PRINTPGM   = /usr/lib/print/lptops
PRINTFLAGS = -G -U -H -M2 -O0.4pt


PrintJob.o: PrintJob.C PrintJob.H
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c PrintJob.C

PrintQueue.o: PrintQueue.C PrintQueue.H PrintJob.H
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c PrintQueue.C

Printer.o: Printer.C Printer.H
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c Printer.C

print: $(SOURCES)

	submit $(SUBMITCLASS) $(PROJ) $(SOURCES) Makefile

	- rm -f *~

	- make clean; rm -f *.o

	- make cleaner; rm -f $(PROJ)

Sample Header File

   PrintQueue class header file
   Project 1, CMSC 202, Section 101, Spring 1999
   Alan Baumgarten
   Created:  21 January 1999
   Current:  26 January 1999

   This class simulates a queue of print jobs.
   There is no limit to the number of jobs in
   the queue.
   Author:  Alan Baumgarten
   Version: 26 January 1999

class PrintQueue {
    char      _name[21];
    PrintJob* _head;
    PrintJob* _tail;
    //  Default constructor.  Name is "Unnamed"

    //  Construct empty PrintQueue with specified name
    //  Param queue_name:  Name of the queue (20 chars max.)
    PrintQueue (char* queueName);	

    //  Add a job to the queue
    //  Param job_ptr:  Pointer to the PrintJob
    //                 to be added
    void Enqueue (PrintJob* job_ptr);

    //  Remove a job from the queue
    //  Returns:  Pointer to first job in queue
    //  Pre-condition:  The queue must not be empty
    PrintJob* Dequeue ();

    //  Check to see if queue is empty
    //  Returns:  True if empty, false if not
    int IsEmpty();
