UMBC CMSC 202, Computer Science II, Spring 1999, Sections 0101, 0102, 0103, 0104

Lecture Synopses

Definition: syn-op-sis  pl -op-ses.  a condensed statement or outline.

The following are links to synopses of each lecture. These synopses (see definition above) are not lecture notes. They will be generally available after a lecture, not before. I will try to make source code examples (that are not from the textbook) available here before the lecture.

Synopses Day by Day

Th 01/28 Introduction
Tu 02/02 Overview of C++
Th 02/04  
Tu 02/09 C++ Features & Constructs
Th 02/11  
Tu 02/16  
Th 02/18 Arrays and Pointers
Tu 02/23  
Th 02/25 Classes and Objects
Tu 03/02  
Tu 03/09 Recursion
Th 03/11  
Tu 03/16 Big-Oh Notation
Th 03/18 Sorting
Tu 03/30 I/O in C++
Th 04/01  
Tu 04/06 Inheritance
Th 04/08  
Th 04/15  
Tu 04/20  
Th 04/22 Polymorphism
Tu 04/27  
Th 04/29 Templates
Tu 05/04 Standard Template Library
Th 05/06 Trees
Tu 05/11 Object-Oriented Design
Th 05/13