UMBC CMSC 202, Computer Science II, Fall 1999

Project 1: Linked List (C Implementation)

Due: Thursday, September 23, 1999

See Also Project Notes, Questions and Answers


The objectives of this project are to:


This project introduces you to the use of advanced programming techniques and coding conventions for this course. This assignment will be done using C, but will be converted to C++ in a future project. As you look over the source files used in this project, you should also get a good idea as to whether or not you have the proper background in C programming to succeed in this course.


  1. Study the source code which you are given as a starting point. Notice that some of the functions are incomplete and must be finished by you. Here are links to the source code:

  2. Write a makefile that will build an executable from the source files. Proj1 should be the name of the executable file. The starter source files should compile without error, although you can expect a warning about the Find() function. The warning will go away after you fill in the body of that function.

  3. Add header comments to each source file. In the .h files, add comments before each function prototype. Some of these are done for you. Be sure you have read the Project Organization page.

  4. Finish writing the functions that are incomplete. Think first, code later!

  5. Test, test, test! As part of your testing, you should try things that will force pre-conditions to fail. This means you will need to make temporary changes to main(), but keep in mind that when you turn in your project, you should use the main() EXACTLY as it appears in the original Proj1.c file.

  6. For this project, you should submit a makefile and six source files named as follows:

    You will not be able to complete this step until after September 15. Further instructions will be given for electronic submission of projects. Do NOT email your project!

Sample Test Data

In addition to testing your program by entering data from the keyboard, you can "automate" the testing process by running your program and redirecting input from a file. Edit a simple text file, where each line contains the data that would be entered by the user. If the file is called input.dat, you would run your program with the following command line:

      Proj1 < input.dat

Here is:

You can use the sample input file for testing purposes, but keep in mind that your program will be tested with DIFFERENT input data when it is graded. Also note that the addresses shown in the sample output will not necessarily match the addresses in your output, and your addresses may vary from one run to another.