UMBC CMSC 202, Computer Science II, Fall 99
CMSC 202 Homepage
Sections 101, 102, 103, 104: Tuesday & Thursday,
2:30pm - 3:45pm, Lecture Hall 5
Sections 201, 202: Monday & Wednesday,
5:30pm - 6:45pm, Lecture Hall 5
Course Links
Other Resources
News Items:
- Mon, 21 Dec 1999
Oops, here are the (corrected) programming problems from the exam.
Monday and Tuesday
- Mon, 21 Dec 1999
Here are the programming problems from the exam.
Monday and Tuesday
- Mon, 20 Dec 1999
Here is the
data file used for grading of Project 4.
Here is the expected output.
- Wed, 1 Dec 1999
Grades have been updated.
- Tue, 30 Nov 1999
Be sure to read
Project 4 Notes.
- Fri, 26 Nov 1999
Here is a sample final exam.
- Sun, 21 Nov 1999
Project 4 has been posted.
- Wed, 27 Oct 1999
The Syllabus has been updated for Weeks 9 and 11.
Selected sections of Chapter 8 have been added to the reading assignments.
Some links to source code that will be shown during lectures have also been
- Wed, 20 Oct 1999
Two of the
Lecture synopses
pages have been updated with corrections.
- Mon, 18 Oct 1999
A reminder that if you are having trouble with a project and you want to get
help from one of the Teaching Assistants, the best thing to do is to submit
your code using the normal procedure for electronic submission. This makes
it very easy to look at and run your code. When you have fixed the problem,
simply submit it again, and the new submission will replace the old one.
- Old news ...
Last Modified:
Alan Baumgarten,
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