# File:    tuThPassword.py
# Author:  Dr. Gibson
# Date:    9/27/2016
# Section: N/A
# E-mail:  k.gibson@umbc.edu 
# Description:
#   This file contains python code that allows the user
#   to guess a password, stopping them once they're reached
#   3 tries or guessed correctly, and prints out a message.

def main():
    MAX_TRIES = 3
    password = "dogsRule"

    # get a guess from the user
    guess = input("What is your guess for the password? ")
    numTries = 1

    # stop if the user has no tries left, or they guess right
    while numTries < MAX_TRIES and guess != password:
        print("Please try again")
        numTries = numTries + 1
        guess = input("What is your new guess for the password? ")

    # we've exited, print out the results
    if guess == password:
        print("Access granted.")
        print("Access denied.")
