The meeting is organized by the CMSC Undergraduate Program Director (Dr. Kalpakis) and the Staff of the CSEE Department. The Chairman of the CSEE Dept. (Dr. Nicholas) will be joining the meeting.
The purpose of the meeting is discuss the experiences and challenges our new students as Computer Science majors/minors. Pizza and light refreshments will be served. Hope all of you can join us.
Please RSVP by going to the section on "CMSC Surveys" of the "Computer Science Undergraduate Program" Blackboard community.
Thank you and looking forward meeting you all.
-- Konstantinos Kalpakis, Ph.D. Associate Professor Undergraduate Computer Science Program, Director
Our next InstallFest will take place on Sunday, September 23rd, 2007 from 10am to 2:30pm at the Commons Main Street.
What to bring:
If you have the fortitude to climb the learning curve, we'll guide you through the install process. For more details, attend a meeting!
linux3[16]% quota -v Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition user.dforna1 75000 55198 74% 69%This will show how much disk space your are using. If the percentage used is approaching 100%, you need to clean up your account. This can be done by typing the following at the linux prompt:
linux3[17]% oitcleaner This is the cleaner that we want Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition user.dforna1 250000 55198 74% 69% **** Start Quota **** **** Start: Cleaning Internet Files **** find: /afs/ Data/Mozilla/Profiles: No such file or directory **** Done: Cleaning Internet Files **** **** Start: Cleaning Misc. Files **** find: No match. rm: remove `/afs/'? y rm: No match. rm: No match. rm: No match. rm: No match. **** Done: Cleaning Misc. Files **** **** Finding Large Files **** rm: remove `/afs/'? n rm: remove `/afs/'? y rm: remove `/afs/'? y **** Finished **** Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition user.dforna1 250000 52913 71% 69% **** End Quota ****This script will clear out some unnecessary files in your account. It will also ask you if you want to delete any large files it finds. You must answer either y or n when it prompts you to remove. Make sure to remove any files named core.[followed by four digits].
For more information about your quota, visit the following OIT Web site:
The .emacs file is publicly available in the directory
To copy the file, 'cd' to your home directory and type
the command
cp /afs/ .
Don't forget the dot (.) at the end... it means copy the
file to the current directory.