Examples -- Characters
An example...
Here's a program that uses for loops to step through the letters of
the alphabet.
** File: alpha.c
** Author: Chang
** Date: ?
** Modified by: Sue Evans
** Modification date: 10/02
** Section: Any
** EMail: bogar@cs.umbc.edu
** print out a run of characters.
int main ( )
char c ;
/* print the alphabet in upper case */
printf("Upper case:\n ") ;
for (c = 'A' ; c <= 'Z'; c++)
printf("%c", c) ;
printf("\n\n") ;
/* print the alphabet in lowercase */
printf("Lower case:\n ") ;
for (c = 'a' ; c <= 'z'; c++)
printf("%c", c) ;
printf("\n\n") ;
/* print 0 - 9 */
printf("Digits:\n ") ;
for (c = '0' ; c <= '9'; c++)
printf("%c", c) ;
printf("\n\n") ;
return 0;
Here's the output...
Upper case:
Lower case:
An example...
We can list the entire ASCII character set using the following
** File: ascii.c
** Author: Chang
** Modified by: Sue Evans
** Date: 9/05
** Section: 101
** EMail: bogar@cs.umbc.edu
** print out the ascii characters.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main ( )
char c ;
printf("An ASCII table:\n\n") ;
for(c = 0; c <= 127; c++)
/* printable characters - print the value & its character */
printf("%3d='%c' ", c, c) ;
/* unprintable characters - print the value & some spaces*/
printf("%3d= ", c) ;
/* print newline every 8 characters */
if (c % 8 == 7)
printf("\n") ;
/* the last newline character */
printf ("\n");
return 0;
Note that in the output, not all characters are printable.
An ASCII table:
0= 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7=
8= 9= 10= 11= 12= 13= 14= 15=
16= 17= 18= 19= 20= 21= 22= 23=
24= 25= 26= 27= 28= 29= 30= 31=
32=' ' 33='!' 34='"' 35='#' 36='$' 37='%' 38='&' 39='''
40='(' 41=')' 42='*' 43='+' 44=',' 45='-' 46='.' 47='/'
48='0' 49='1' 50='2' 51='3' 52='4' 53='5' 54='6' 55='7'
56='8' 57='9' 58=':' 59=';' 60='<' 61='=' 62='>' 63='?'
64='@' 65='A' 66='B' 67='C' 68='D' 69='E' 70='F' 71='G'
72='H' 73='I' 74='J' 75='K' 76='L' 77='M' 78='N' 79='O'
80='P' 81='Q' 82='R' 83='S' 84='T' 85='U' 86='V' 87='W'
88='X' 89='Y' 90='Z' 91='[' 92='\' 93=']' 94='^' 95='_'
96='`' 97='a' 98='b' 99='c' 100='d' 101='e' 102='f' 103='g'
104='h' 105='i' 106='j' 107='k' 108='l' 109='m' 110='n' 111='o'
112='p' 113='q' 114='r' 115='s' 116='t' 117='u' 118='v' 119='w'
120='x' 121='y' 122='z' 123='{' 124='|' 125='}' 126='~' 127=
An example...
Special characters are denoted using the backslash symbol as in...
** File: special.c
** Author: Chang
** Modified by: Sue Evans
** Date: 9/05
** Section: 101
** EMail: bogar@cs.umbc.edu
** Try some special ascii characters.
int main ( )
char beep, backspace ;
char newline, tab, backslash ;
char single_quote, double_quote ;
beep = '\a' ;
backspace = '\b';
newline = '\n' ;
tab = '\t' ;
backslash = '\\' ;
single_quote = '\'' ;
double_quote = '"' ;
printf("BEEP: %c%c", beep, newline) ;
printf("%c%cMove over\n", tab, tab) ;
printf("Oops, ooo%c%c%cxxx\n", backspace,
backspace, backspace) ;
printf("I%cve written %cHello World%c many times\n",
single_quote, double_quote, double_quote) ;
return 0;
Sample run...
Move over
Oops, xxx
I've written "Hello World" many times
Last Modified -