scanf is used to get input from the user
The program
** File: cmtofeet.c
** Author: Sue Bogar
** Date: Jan 5, 1933
** Section: 101
** E-Mail:
** This program reads in a length given in
** centimeters and converts it to its English
** equivalent in feet and inches.
int main()
/* Declare variables */
double totalInches, cm, inch;
int feet;
/* Explain program & get a length in
** centimeters from the user */
printf("This program converts cm to feet & inches.\n");
printf("Length in centimeters? ");
scanf("%lf", &cm);
/* Calculate totalInches and use this to */
/* calculate feet and inches */
totalInches = cm / 2.54;
feet = totalInches / 12;
inch = totalInches - feet * 12;
/* Print results */
printf("%f cm = %d ft %f in\n", cm, feet, inch);
return 0;
The Output
linux1[82]% gcc -Wall -ansi cmtofeet.c
linux1[83]% a.out
This program converts cm to feet & inches.
Length in centimeters? 184
184.000000 cm = 6 ft 0.440945 in
linux1[84]%% a.out
This program converts cm to feet & inches.
Length in centimeters? 178
178.000000 cm = 5 ft 10.078740 in
linux1[85]% a.out
This program converts cm to feet & inches.
Length in centimeters? 179
179.000000 cm = 5 ft 10.472440 in
linux1[86]% a.out
This program converts cm to feet & inches.
Length in centimeters? 180
180.000000 cm = 5 ft 10.866141 in