Component Coupling

Component coupling is the degree to which components are dependent on one another.

How components are coupled

The Goal is to Minimize Coupling

Types of Coupling

Example of Content Coupling:

int Func1 (int a) { printf ("In Func1\n"); a += 2; goto F2A; return a; } void Func2 (void) { printf("In Func2\n"); F2A: printf("At Func2A\n"); }

Example of Common Coupling :

Use and Modification of a Global Variable int Function1 (int a) { if (a > 0) { myGlobalVar++; a = 0; } return a; } void Function2 (void) { if(myGlobalVar > 0) { myGlobalVar = 42; } else { myGlobalVar = -1; } }

Example of Control Coupling :

Use of a flag to determine what the function will do.

A flag called done is passed into the function. If the game is over, the flag done will be TRUE and the board will be printed differently than if the game is not done.

A single function shouldn't have a dual purpose. We should have written two different functions, one to print the board during the game and a different one to show the player where the ships were if he lost.

void PrintBoard (char board[ROWS][COLS], int rows, int cols, int done) { int i, j; printf(" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n"); printf(" -----------------------------------------\n"); for(i = 0; i < rows; i++) { printf("%d ", i); for(j = 0; j < cols; j++) { if(done) { printf("| %c ", board[i][j]); } else { if(board[i][j] == ' ' || board[i][j] == 'O' || board[i][j] == 'X') { printf("| %c ", board[i][j]); } else { printf("| "); } } } printf("|\n"); printf(" -----------------------------------------\n"); } }

Example of Stamp Coupling :

Stamp Coupling occurs when too much information is passed to a function.

In this example, we are passing an entire RECTANGLE to each of the functions, even though the function really doesn't need to see or modify all of the members. Written this way, the function must know the names of the members and is also allowed to change any of the members. Each of these functions really should have been written to take primitive types, not the entire RECTANGLE.

typedef struct rectangle { int length; int width; int area; int perimeter; int color; double diagonal; char symbol; } RECTANGLE; RECTANGLE CalcArea (RECTANGLE r); RECTANGLE CalcPerimeter (RECTANGLE r); RECTANGLE CalcDiagonal (RECTANGLE r); int main() { RECTANGLE rect1; rect1.length = 7; rect1.width = 6; rect1.color = RED; rect1.symbol = '#'; rect1 = CalcArea (rect1); rect1 = CalcPerimeter (rect1); rect1 = CalcDiagonal (rect1); printf("For width: %d and length %d\n", rect1.width, rect1.length); printf("The area, perimeter and diagonal are\n"); printf("%d %d %f\n", rect1.area, rect1.perimeter, rect1.diagonal); return 0; } RECTANGLE CalcArea (RECTANGLE r) { r.area = r.width * r.length; return r; } RECTANGLE CalcPerimeter (RECTANGLE r) { r.perimeter = 2 * r.width + 2 * r.length; return r; } RECTANGLE CalcDiagonal (RECTANGLE r) { r.diagonal = sqrt (r.width * r.width + r.length * r.length); return r; }

Example of Data Coupling :

This example shows a better way to write the previous program. Here we will be passing and returning only primitive data types. They are all that is really needed by the functions and now the functions are more general, too.

typedef struct rectangle { int length; int width; int area; int perimeter; int color; double diagonal; char symbol; } RECTANGLE; int CalcArea (int width, int length); int CalcPerimeter (int width, int length); double CalcDiagonal (int width, int length); int main() { RECTANGLE rect1; rect1.length = 7; rect1.width = 6; rect1.color = RED; rect1.symbol = '#'; rect1.area = CalcArea(rect1.width, rect1.length); rect1.perimeter = CalcPerimeter(rect1.width, rect1.length); rect1.diagonal = CalcDiagonal(rect1.width, rect1.length); printf("For width: %d and length %d\n", rect1.width, rect1.length); printf("The area, perimeter and diagonal are\n"); printf("%d %d %f\n", rect1.area, rect1.perimeter, rect1.diagonal); return 0; } int CalcArea (int width, int length) { int area; area = width * length; return area; } int CalcPerimeter (int width, int length) { int perimeter; perimeter = 2 * width + 2 * length; return perimeter; } double CalcDiagonal (int width, int length) { double diagonal; diagonal = sqrt (width * width + length * length); return diagonal; }