MAN(1)									MAN(1)

     man - print entries from the on-line reference manuals; find manual
     entries by keyword

     man [-cdwWtpr] [-M path] [-T macropackage]	[section] title	...
     man [-M path] -k keyword ...
     man [-M path] -f filename ...

     man locates and prints the	titleed	entries	from the on-line reference
     manuals.  man also	prints summaries of manual entries selected by keyword
     or	by associated filename.

     If	a section is given, only that particular section is searched for the
     specified title.  The current list	of valid sections are any single digit
     [0-9], the	letter 'D', plus the sections local, public, new, and old,
     corresponding to the sections l, p, n, and	o, respectively.  When a
     section name of this form is given, the first character is	used to	form
     the directory, thus "local", will cause directories ending	in "manl" to
     be	searched.  To find a man page with the name of one of these sections,
     it	is necessary to	first give a dummy name, such as "man junk local",
     which is unfortunate.

     If	no section is given, all sections of the on-line reference manuals are
     searched and all occurrences of title are printed.	 The default sections
     are searched in this order:  1nl6823457poD

     Manual entries are	retrieved in the following order:  for each root
     directory in the search path, language specific directories are searched
     first (see	discussion of the LANG environment variable below), followed
     by	generic	directories. Within each of those searches, local additions
     are searched first, followed by the standard manual directories.  In each
     leaf directory, there may be actual pages or subdirectories.  If the
     subdirectory name has the format cat[1-8lnopD] then the pages in that
     subdirectory are treated as pre-formatted "cat" manual entries.  If the
     subdirectory name has the format man[1-8lnopD] then the pages in that
     subdirectory are treated as unformatted nroff(1) source manual entries.
     Unformatted manual	entries	will be	processed by neqn(1), tbl(1),
     nroff(1), and col(1).  (See the CAVEATS section concerning	formatting
     unformatted manual	pages.)	 These must be installed with a	standard
     suffix, such as .1m, in order for the man command to find them (i.e.,
     name, period, suffix).  The "cat" manual entries are be compressed	to
     save disk space using pack(1) or compress(1); all pre-formatted man pages
     must be compressed	with one of the	abvoe in order for the man command to
     find them.	 man will automatically	uncompress compressed "cat" manual
     entries using pcat(1) and zcat(1) respectively.

     After the local additions are searched, the standard pre-formatted	manual
     entries in	/usr/share/catman/[agpu]_man are searched.

     After searching /usr/share/catman,	man will search	/usr/share/man ,
     /usr/catman , then	/usr/man , for manual pages.  The user may override
     these default root	directories for	manual entries with the	environment
     variable MANPATH or with the command-line options -M and -d.  (See
     discussion	below.)

     IRIX is derived from four main sources: AT&T, Berkeley, MIPS Computer
     Systems, and Sun Microsystems.  Because development at these sources is
     more or less independent, in several cases	programs have been given the
     same name but have	vastly different functionality.	 The manual entries
     for such programs have been distinguished by giving them suffixes:	 _att,
     _bsd, _mips, or _sun.  You	do not need to give the	suffixes.  If man is
     given an un-suffixed title	title for which	suffixed entries exist,	it
     will display all of them.

     Searches for titles, keywords, and	filenames are case-insensitive.	 For
     example, the manual entry RGBcolor(3G) can	be gotten by the command-line:

  man rgbcolor

     Also, titles, keywords, and filenames may contain special characters
     allowing manual pages to looked up	by only	specifying partial names in
     much the same way that sh(1) and csh(1) match file	names.	For example,
     the summaries of manual entries pertaining	to RGB writemasks may be
     searched by the command-line:

  man -k 'rgb*mask'

     The complete set of special characters is as follows:

     *	    Match any sequence of characters, including	none-at-all.

     ?	    Match any single character.

     [...]  Matches any	of the set of characters between the brackets.	A pair
    of characters separated by - matches any one of the	characters
    which comes	between	the two	characters, including the two
    characters,	based on ASCII character encoding (see ascii(5)).

     man also supports a more sophisticated means for looking up manual	pages
     using regular expressions.	 To use	regular	expressions to lookup manual
     pages, you	must use the -r	option discussed below.

     -M	path	  Use path as the search path for manual entries.  path	is a
	  colon-separated list of directories where manual
	  subdirectories may be	found.	The default path is
	  /usr/share/catman:/usr/share/man:/usr/catman:/usr/man.  -M
	  is useful for	searching locations other than the standard
	  manual directories for manual	entries.  These	locations

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MAN(1)									MAN(1)

	  could	be personal manual page	trees or NFS mounted BSD style
	  manual page trees from another system.  For example, the
	  standard manual directories could be augmented with personal
	  manual pages by specifying the path:


	  -M must be given before -k and -f.  -M will override the
	  environment variable MANPATH.	 -M and	-d are mutually
	  exclusive.  At most 100 directories may be specified;	if
	  more are specified, the rest will be ignored.

     -c		  Copy the manual page to the standard output instead of using
	  more(1) or the user specified	PAGER or MANPAGER.

     -d		  Use the direct path specified	for finding the	manual page
	  title.  The -d option	uses the full path name	of the
	  specified title as the manual	page to	print, formatting it
	  if necessary.	 Since -d does no searching, any suffixes like
	  ".1" must be specified otherwise the manual page will	not be
	  found.  If no	leading	path is	specified, the current
	  directory (.)	is assumed.  -d	is useful for formatting
	  manual page sources you are editing as part of your software
	  development.	The -t option may be used in conjunction with
	  -d to	format a manual	page source file and send it to	the
	  printer.  -d will ignore the environment variable MANPATH.
	  -d and -M are	mutually exclusive.

     -p		  Print	on standard output the commands	that would be executed
	  to format and	display	the specified manual pages instead of
	  actually executing the commands.

     -w		  Print	only the pathname of each entry	matching the given
	  title.  The actual matching entry will not be	printed, only
	  its path is given.

     -t		  Typeset each titled manual entry and send the	result to the
	  printer.  In the case	of the preformatted "cat" manual pages
	  which	come standard with IRIX, the entry is unpacked using
	  pcat(1) and then sent	to the default printer using lp(1).
	  If, however, the manual entry	is a locally added,
	  unformatted nroff(1) source, the entry will be formatted
	  using	psroff(1) and sent to the printer.  The	environment
	  variable TROFF may be	used to	specify	another	formatting
	  program other	than psroff (see the discussion	on ENVIRONMENT
	  below.  If the BSD lpr(1) printing facility is used, the
	  TCAT and NCAT	environment variables should be	set to send
	  the output to	lpr instead of lp.

     -T	macropackage
	  The given nroff(1) macro package will	be used	for formatting
	  unformatted manual entries.  By default,

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	  /usr/lib/tmac/	is used.

     -k	keyword	  Print	the manual entry summaries which contain the given
	  keywords.  The summaries are gotten from the whatis
	  database.  (See also apropos(1).)

     -f	filename  Print	the manual entry summaries which might pertain to the
	  given	filenames.  Any	leading	pathname components are
	  stripped from	the filename before the	filename is matched
	  against the summaries.  The summaries	are gotten from	the
	  whatis database.  (See also whatis(1).)

     -W		  is normally used only	by the makewhatis(1m) command to build
	  the whatis and apropos databases.

     -r		  Treat	specified names	as regular expressions for searches.
	  The regular expressions handled are those supported by

     MANPATH  If set, MANPATH overrides	the default manual entry search	path.
      MANPATH is a colon-separated list	of directories where manual
      subdirectories may be found.  (See the discussion	of -M.)	 -M
      and -d will override MANPATH.

     LANG     If set, then for each directory to be searched (as determined by
      the -M option, the MANPATH variable, or the default search
      path), an	additional directory is	constructed and	searched which
      has the value of the LC_MESSAGES locale catagory appended	to it.
      These language specific directories are searched before the
      corresponding generic directory.	LC_MESSAGES may	be set either
      in the environment or will automatically be set based on the
      setting of the LANG variable (see	environ(5)).

      If set, PAGER and	MANPAGER specify a program for interactively
      displaying the output from man.  MANPAGER	will override PAGER so
      a	program	other than the user's standard paging program may be
      used for displaying man output.  If neither PAGER	or MANPAGER
      are set, the command "ul -b | more -s -f"	is used.  See ul(1)
      and more(1) for details on these options.

     TCAT     may be used to specify the command for printing or displaying
      unformatted (nroff/troff source) manual pages when the -t	option
      is selected.  If TCAT is not set,	the command "lp" is used.  For
      systems using the	BSD lpr(1) printing facility, TCAT should be
      set to "lpr".  If	a troff	formatting program which does not
      output PostScript	is used, TCAT should be	set to "lpr