Another Pointer Example
int a, b;
int *ptr1, *ptr2; /* Declare 2 pointers to int, */
/* ptr1 and ptr2 */
a = 1;
b = 2;
ptr1 = &a; /* ptr1 holds the address of a */
ptr2 = &b; /* ptr2 holds the address of b */
*ptr1 = 11; /* Put the value 11 into the */
/* container that ptr1 points to */
*ptr2 = 22; /* Put the value 22 into the */
/* container that ptr2 points to */
ptr1 = ptr2; /* Let the variable ptr1 now hold */
/* the same address as ptr2 holds */
*ptr1 = 99; /* Put the value 99 into the */
/* container that ptr1 points to */
ptr1 = &a; /* ptr1 holds the address of a */
*ptr1 = *ptr2; /* Put the value found at the */
/* address that ptr2 points to */
/* into the container that ptr1 */
/* points to. */