CMSC 201
Programming Project Five
B and B Video Rentals
Out: Sunday 11/24/02
Original due date: before Midnight, Sunday 12/08/02
New due date: before Midnight, Tuesday 12/10/02
The design document for this project, design5.txt
is due: Before Midnight, Monday 12/02/02
The Objective
The objective of this assignment is to give you practice using command line
arguments, pointers, files, malloc, and linked lists.
The Background
B and B Video Rentals has just had its Grand Opening ! The shelves are stocked
with multiple copies of some classic movies. Some customers were signed up in
advance of the opening in response to early advertising.
The Task
Your task is to write a program that will allow the clerk to check out tapes
for customers, check in tapes from customers, check the number of copies in
stock for each movie title, and check to see which videos a particular customer
is currently renting.
Initially, your program should read in information from the movies.dat
file and create an array of MOVIEs to hold that information. Each
MOVIE structure must contain a movie ID number, the title of the movie,
the number of copies of that movie the store owns, the replacement cost of a
tape (price), and the head of a linked list. The linked list holds information
about each of the individual TAPEs of that movie. Each TAPE must
hold the following information : the movie ID number, the title, the copy
number, and the number of times that copy has been rented. Your program
should also read in information from the customers.dat file and place it
into an array of CUSTOMERs. Each customer's information includes a
customer number, the customer's name, address, and phone number, the total
number of tapes that customer has rented, the number of tapes the customer is
currently renting and the head of a linked list. This linked list holds
information about each of the individual TAPEs that customer is
currently renting.
Initially, you will use the information about each MOVIE to
create a TAPE for each of the copies the store owns. You will have to
initialize each of these TAPEs with the movieID and title of that
MOVIE, give each TAPE a copy number, and initialize times rented
to be 0, since none of the tapes have ever been rented. Each of these
TAPEs will become the data portion of NODEs that comprise the
linked list of tapes that are in stock for that particular movie.
So the member called "head" in the MOVIE structure is the head of that
linked list. If B and B Videos owns 3 copies of "Ghost" which is movieID# 4,
then the linked list would contain tapes with copyNum's of 1, 2 and 3. So
there would be 3 NODEs in the linked list pointed to by the member
called head found in the MOVIE structure.
When a customer rents a video, the first TAPE will be removed from the
"In Stock" linked list and inserted into that customer's linked list of
currently rented movies.
The following data structures are required and may NOT be altered.
typedef struct tape
int movieID;
char title[51];
int copyNum;
int timesRented;
typedef struct node
TAPE data;
typedef struct movie
int movieID;
char title[51];
int numCopies;
float price;
int numOnShelf;
typedef struct customer
int customerNum;
char name[51];
char address[101];
char phone[13];
int totalRented;
int currentRented;
NODEPTR rentals;
Your program will accept two command line arguments which are the names of
the two data files to be used: movies.dat and customers.dat.
Your program will present a menu to the user with the following choices
O - check Out a tape
I - check In a tape
S - check Stock of a movie
C - check a Customer's information
Q - Quit
When the user chooses O to check out a tape, your program will prompt
the user for the customer number, greet the cutomer, display the movie titles
available, and ask the user to enter a movie number. The first tape in the
linked list of tapes in stock for that movie is to be removed and inserted into
the customer's linked list of currently rented tapes. The customer should then
be shown his list of currently rented tapes.
When the user chooses I to check in a tape, your program will prompt
the user for the customer number, greet the customer, display the list of tapes
that customer is currently renting and ask the user to chose the movie number
of the tape he would like to return. Your program should then delete that tape
from the customer's currently rented linked list and insert it into the linked
list of tapes in stock with that same title.
When the user chooses S to check the tapes in stock for a movie, your
program should show the user a list of movie titles and prompt him to enter a
movie number. All of the information about that movie should be shown and all
of the information about the individual tapes in stock of that movie should
also be shown (see sample output below).
When the user chooses C to check the tapes that a customer is currently
renting, your program should prompt the user for a customer number, show all
the information about that customer and show the movie number and title for
each of the tapes the customer is currently renting (see sample output below).
When the user Quits, your program will free any and all memory that was
dynamically allocated by your program, including the freeing of each node in
a list. A thank you message should be printed before your program ends.
See the sample output below for details.
Project Requirements
- You must use the structures shown above. You may use the linked list code
that was shown in lecture 23. Some of the functions will require some minor
modification. Some of the functions will not have to be changed at all.
- You must write two new functions to be added to the linked list code:
DestroyList() and RemoveFirstNode().
- When taking a TAPE from stock for rental, the first TAPE in the list is
to be removed. When returning a TAPE to stock, it should be inserted at the
end of the list. This will keep all of the tapes evenly out in circulation,
rather than letting a few tapes get most of the wear.
- Your program must accept both uppercase and lower case input for the
menu selection. You must validate the menu choices.
- All input must be validated.
Your program may make the following assumption
- All movie titles will be a maximum of 50 characters.
- Graders will enter only one character and the newline for the menu choice.
Data Files
The two data files are available for you to use for testing. In Bogar's
public directory
you will find movies.dat and customers.dat
You may use these files or create your own files for testing.
Your Greeting Goes Here
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : o
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 15
Hello, Benjamin Baumgarten
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Which movie do you want to check out ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 3
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A - Copy #:1 - Times rented:1
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : o
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 15
Hello, Benjamin Baumgarten
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Which movie do you want to check out ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 2
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A - Copy #:1 - Times rented:1
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing - Copy #:1 - Times rented:1
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : o
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 15
Hello, Benjamin Baumgarten
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Which movie do you want to check out ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 5
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A - Copy #:1 - Times rented:1
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing - Copy #:1 - Times rented:1
Movie #:5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - Copy #:1 - Times rented:1
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : o
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 5
Hello, Francis Poole
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Which movie do you want to check out ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 2
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing - Copy #:2 - Times rented:1
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : o
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 5
Hello, Francis Poole
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Which movie do you want to check out ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 4
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing - Copy #:2 - Times rented:1
Movie #:4 - Ghost - Copy #:1 - Times rented:1
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : o
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 7
Hello, Linda LeFevre
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Which movie do you want to check out ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 2
Sorry. Currently all of the copies of
Dirty Dancing
have been rented
Please make another selection.
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Which movie do you want to check out ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 5
Movie #:5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - Copy #:2 - Times rented:1
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : s
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Check stock for which movie ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 1
Movie ID #: 1
Title: Braveheart
Number of copies: 10
Price: 25.95
Number of copies on the shelf : 10
Movie #:1 - Braveheart
copy #:1 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:1 - Braveheart
copy #:2 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:1 - Braveheart
copy #:3 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:1 - Braveheart
copy #:4 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:1 - Braveheart
copy #:5 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:1 - Braveheart
copy #:6 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:1 - Braveheart
copy #:7 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:1 - Braveheart
copy #:8 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:1 - Braveheart
copy #:9 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:1 - Braveheart
copy #:10 has been rented 0 times
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : s
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Check stock for which movie ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 2
Movie ID #: 2
Title: Dirty Dancing
Number of copies: 2
Price: 19.95
Number of copies on the shelf : 0
There are no copies in stock.
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : s
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Check stock for which movie ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 3
Movie ID #: 3
Title: Few Good Men, A
Number of copies: 7
Price: 22.95
Number of copies on the shelf : 6
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:2 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:3 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:4 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:5 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:6 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:7 has been rented 0 times
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : s
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Check stock for which movie ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 4
Movie ID #: 4
Title: Ghost
Number of copies: 3
Price: 19.95
Number of copies on the shelf : 2
Movie #:4 - Ghost
copy #:2 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:4 - Ghost
copy #:3 has been rented 0 times
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : s
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Check stock for which movie ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 5
Movie ID #: 5
Title: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Number of copies: 3
Price: 19.95
Number of copies on the shelf : 1
Movie #:5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
copy #:3 has been rented 0 times
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 1
Customer #: 1
Name: Charles Barrett
Address: 1623 Lancaster St., Baltimore, MD 22131
Phone: 410-555-7320
Total rented: 25
Currently renting: 0
You don't have any rented movies now.
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 5
Customer #: 5
Name: Francis Poole
Address: 7490 Stansbury Rd., Baltimore, MD 21222
Phone: 410-555-2856
Total rented: 16
Currently renting: 2
You have rented :
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing
Movie #:4 - Ghost
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 7
Customer #: 7
Name: Linda LeFevre
Address: 913 S. Ann St., Baltimore, MD 22131
Phone: 443-555-7481
Total rented: 205
Currently renting: 1
You have rented :
Movie #:5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 15
Customer #: 15
Name: Benjamin Baumgarten
Address: 503 Ralston Ave., Baltimore, MD 21208
Phone: 410-555-9357
Total rented: 89
Currently renting: 3
You have rented :
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing
Movie #:5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 18
Customer #: 18
Name: Shirley Chin
Address: 513 Maple St., Reisterstown, MD 21136
Phone: 443-555-4123
Total rented: 71
Currently renting: 0
You don't have any rented movies now.
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : i
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 15
Hello, Benjamin Baumgarten
Which movie do you want to check in ?
You have rented :
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing
Movie #:5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Enter the Movie #: 5
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : i
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 2
Hello, Kimberly Johnson
Which movie do you want to check in ?
You don't have any rented movies now.
Enter the Movie #: 5
Movie #5 is not one of the movies you've rented
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : i
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 15
Hello, Benjamin Baumgarten
Which movie do you want to check in ?
You have rented :
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing
Enter the Movie #: 2
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 15
Customer #: 15
Name: Benjamin Baumgarten
Address: 503 Ralston Ave., Baltimore, MD 21208
Phone: 410-555-9357
Total rented: 89
Currently renting: 1
You have rented :
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 7
Customer #: 7
Name: Linda LeFevre
Address: 913 S. Ann St., Baltimore, MD 22131
Phone: 443-555-7481
Total rented: 205
Currently renting: 1
You have rented :
Movie #:5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : i
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 7
Hello, Linda LeFevre
Which movie do you want to check in ?
You have rented :
Movie #:5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Enter the Movie #: 5
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : s
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Check stock for which movie ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 5
Movie ID #: 5
Title: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Number of copies: 3
Price: 19.95
Number of copies on the shelf : 3
Movie #:5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
copy #:3 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
copy #:1 has been rented 1 times
Movie #:5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
copy #:2 has been rented 1 times
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 7
Customer #: 7
Name: Linda LeFevre
Address: 913 S. Ann St., Baltimore, MD 22131
Phone: 443-555-7481
Total rented: 205
Currently renting: 0
You don't have any rented movies now.
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 5
Customer #: 5
Name: Francis Poole
Address: 7490 Stansbury Rd., Baltimore, MD 21222
Phone: 410-555-2856
Total rented: 16
Currently renting: 2
You have rented :
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing
Movie #:4 - Ghost
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : s
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Check stock for which movie ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 4
Movie ID #: 4
Title: Ghost
Number of copies: 3
Price: 19.95
Number of copies on the shelf : 2
Movie #:4 - Ghost
copy #:2 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:4 - Ghost
copy #:3 has been rented 0 times
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : i
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 5
Hello, Francis Poole
Which movie do you want to check in ?
You have rented :
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing
Movie #:4 - Ghost
Enter the Movie #: 4
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : s
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Check stock for which movie ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 4
Movie ID #: 4
Title: Ghost
Number of copies: 3
Price: 19.95
Number of copies on the shelf : 3
Movie #:4 - Ghost
copy #:2 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:4 - Ghost
copy #:3 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:4 - Ghost
copy #:1 has been rented 1 times
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 5
Customer #: 5
Name: Francis Poole
Address: 7490 Stansbury Rd., Baltimore, MD 21222
Phone: 410-555-2856
Total rented: 16
Currently renting: 1
You have rented :
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : i
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 5
Hello, Francis Poole
Which movie do you want to check in ?
You have rented :
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing
Enter the Movie #: 2
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : s
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Check stock for which movie ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 2
Movie ID #: 2
Title: Dirty Dancing
Number of copies: 2
Price: 19.95
Number of copies on the shelf : 2
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing
copy #:1 has been rented 1 times
Movie #:2 - Dirty Dancing
copy #:2 has been rented 1 times
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 15
Customer #: 15
Name: Benjamin Baumgarten
Address: 503 Ralston Ave., Baltimore, MD 21208
Phone: 410-555-9357
Total rented: 89
Currently renting: 1
You have rented :
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : i
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 15
Hello, Benjamin Baumgarten
Which movie do you want to check in ?
You have rented :
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
Enter the Movie #: 7
Movie #7 is not one of the movies you've rented
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : i
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 15
Hello, Benjamin Baumgarten
Which movie do you want to check in ?
You have rented :
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
Enter the Movie #: 2
Movie #2 is not one of the movies you've rented
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : i
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 15
Hello, Benjamin Baumgarten
Which movie do you want to check in ?
You have rented :
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
Enter the Movie #: 3
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : s
1 - Braveheart
2 - Dirty Dancing
3 - Few Good Men, A
4 - Ghost
5 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Check stock for which movie ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 5 : 3
Movie ID #: 3
Title: Few Good Men, A
Number of copies: 7
Price: 22.95
Number of copies on the shelf : 7
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:2 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:3 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:4 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:5 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:6 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:7 has been rented 0 times
Movie #:3 - Few Good Men, A
copy #:1 has been rented 1 times
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 5
Customer #: 5
Name: Francis Poole
Address: 7490 Stansbury Rd., Baltimore, MD 21222
Phone: 410-555-2856
Total rented: 16
Currently renting: 0
You don't have any rented movies now.
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 7
Customer #: 7
Name: Linda LeFevre
Address: 913 S. Ann St., Baltimore, MD 22131
Phone: 443-555-7481
Total rented: 205
Currently renting: 0
You don't have any rented movies now.
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : c
Please Enter Your Customer Number
Please enter an integer between 1 and 19 : 15
Customer #: 15
Name: Benjamin Baumgarten
Address: 503 Ralston Ave., Baltimore, MD 21208
Phone: 410-555-9357
Total rented: 89
Currently renting: 0
You don't have any rented movies now.
O - Check Out a Tape
I - Check In a Tape
S - Show Stock for a Movie
C - Show a Customer's Information
Q - Quit
Please enter menu selection : q
Thanks for renting your movies from
B and B Video Rentals
Although your output need not be identical to the above,
all information (including the greeting) must be present.
Submitting the Program
Use the submit command as in previous projects. Make sure you submit all files
necessary for your project to compile.