UMBC CSEE Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Baltimore Maryland 21250 USA
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Requirements for M.S. and Ph.D. Degree

Requirements for the Master of Science (M.S.) Degree: Each student must earn a minimum of thirty (30) credit hours from the list of approved courses, which must be completed within five years of admission. The student must satisfy the GPA and course requirements for their field of speciality, and attend the Department's Research Seminar. Each student must complete either a thesis or a scholarly paper. A copy of the thesis must be submitted to the department bound. Binding service is offered through the Special Collections department of the library. A copy of a scholarly paper is to be provided to the department unbound. The non-thesis option student is required to pass the written M.S. comprehensiveexam in their field, which tests the student's knowledge in the breadth courses in their field of speciality.

The thesis option in the student's field requires a minimum of eight (8) graduate-level courses (24 credit hours), and six (6) credit hours of thesis. The thesis must be defended with an oral exam, and accepted with the approval of the student's M.S. thesis committee.

The non-thesis option in the student's field requires a minimum of ten (10) graduate level courses (30 credit hours), and three credit hours of CMSC 698 research project work resulting in an approved scholarly paper.

Breadth Course: Each student must take all four breadth courses in their chosen field with a grade of B or better in each course (each field may have additional GPA requirements).

Additional Courses: A minimum of 21 additional course credits (seven courses) beyond the four breadth courses is required. The thesis research project can be counted for up to 6 course credits.

Research Seminar: Each student must attend the Departmental Research Seminar for one semester.

M.S. Comprehensive Examinations (M.S. comps): Each nonthesisoption student must take and pass a comprehensive exam (at the Master's level) consisting of any three of the four breadth courses. The M.S. comps are offered in conjunction with the Ph.D. comprehensive exam. The M.S. and Ph.D. comps will use the same problem sets. Different passing levels, however, will be set for M.S. and Ph.D. students. M.S. students selecting the thesis option are not required to take the exams.

M.S. Thesis Option: Any student may undertake a Master's Thesis, provided the student can find a faculty member who is willing to supervise the research. To enroll in the thesis option, the student is required to submit a thesis proposal, endorsed by a faculty member of the Department (the Thesis Advisor), to the Graduate Study Committee for approval. Upon completion of the thesis research, the thesis must be defended in a public presentation. Students exercising the thesis option are not required to take the M.S. comps. Students selecting the nonthesis option must complete a scholarly paper.

Transfer Credits: No more than six (6) credits may be transferred from another university.

Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree: Each student must satisfy the course requirements for their field of speciality, excluding graduate seminar participation, graduate research credits prior to Ph.D. candidacy, and doctoral dissertation research credits (the Department's minimum is eleven (11) courses). The Ph.D. student must spend the equivalent of at least three years of fulltime residency, with at least one year on the UMBC campus. The doctoral dissertation must be an original and substantive contribution to knowledge in the student's major field. It must demonstrate the student's ability to carry out a program of research and to report the results in accordance with standards observed in the recognized scientific journals related to that field. The Ph.D. student must:

  1. pass the written comprehensive exam within three semesters of entrance to the program (four semesters for part-time students);
  2. develop and defend a doctoral dissertation proposal and be admitted to Ph.D. candidacy within three (3) years of entrance to the program; and
  3. complete all Ph.D. requirements for their field of speciality within four (4) years of admission to Ph.D. candidacy. A copy of the dissertation, including a copy of the signed approval sheet ( REPORT OF EXAMINING COMMITTEE form), must be submitted to the department bound. Binding service is offered through the Special Collections department of the library.

Comprehensive Examination (Comps): Each student must pass a written examination based on the four breadth courses for their field of speciality to assess his or her mastery of fundamental knowledge and skills. The comps will be offered twice a year (in January and May), and may be retaken once if failed the first time. Any student who fails the exam twice will be dismissed from the graduate program.

For full-time students, the first attempt must be taken by the end of the second semester. For part- time students, the first attempt must be taken by the end of the third semester. The second attempt, if needed, must be taken at the next examination offering.

Program of Advanced Studyi: Each student must select a Dissertation Advisor and a Dissertation Committee, and declare a Program of Advanced Study within one semester after passing the comps. This Program of Advanced Study must include a minimum of five graduate courses at the 600level or higher (not counting any of the four breadth courses), and must be approved by the dissertation advisor and Graduate Program Committee. Each student (full-time and part-time) must complete this requirement within one semester after passing the comps. The student must complete their program of study according to the requirements of their field of speciality. Students who do not submit a satisfactory Program of Advanced Study within one semester after passing the comps will be referred to the Graduate Study Committee for possible dismissal.

Research and Department Seminars: Each student must attend the Department's Research Seminar course (CMSC/ENEE 608), usually during his or her first year.

Course requirementsi: Each student must satisfy the minimum course requirements for their field of specialty, (typically eleven (11) courses - (33) credits), excluding the Department's Research Seminar graduate research credits prior to Ph.D. candidacy, and doctoral dissertation research credits. Students cannot take dissertation research credits until admission to Ph.D. candidacy.

Preliminary Examination (Prelim)i: Each student must pass a twopart preliminary examination. In the first part, the student will present and - (33) credits), excluding the Department's Research Seminar graduate research credits prior to Ph.D. candidacy, and doctoral dissertation research credits. Students cannot take dissertation research credits until admission to Ph.D. candidacy.

Preliminary Examination (Prelim): Each student must pass a twopart preliminary examination. In the first part, the student will present and defend his or her dissertation proposal to the Dissertation Committee. In the second part, the Dissertation Committee examines the student orally on his or her research area(s) to assess his or her ability to successfully complete the proposed research. Upon passing this examination, the student advances to candidacy.

Each fulltime student must pass the prelim within one and a half years after passing the comps to remain in the Ph.D. program (parttime students will be given two and a half years to pass the prelim).

Ph.D. Candidacyi: After passing the prelim, the Graduate Program Committee recommends to the Graduate School that the student be admitted to Ph.D. candidacy.

Dissertation Research: Each student will conduct and report on a significant original research project under the guidance of his or her dissertation advisor. This research must be completed and defended within four years of admission to candidacy. Students must be admitted to candidacy at least two full sequential semesters before the date on which the doctoral degree be conferred, and only then can they take dissertation credits.

Residency Requirements: A minimum of three (3) years of full-time graduate study, or its equivalent, is required. At least one year of full-time study must be completed at UMBC. Applications are not processed until all documents and fees are received.

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