CSEE Faculty

Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE)

John T. Pinkston , Chair

Peng, Yun, Director of Graduate Studies


Carter, Gary M., Ph.D, MIT (EE) Optoelectronics, diode lasers, nonlinear optics, coherent optical communications.

Chen, Yung-Jui (Ray), Ph.D, Univ. Pennsylvania (EE) Terabit optical network, integrated optics and optoelectronic integrated circuits, optoelectronic material and device physics, biosensors and biomedical engineering, and ultrafast optical and nonlinear optics.

Finin, Timothy W., Ph.D., Univ. Illinois (CS) Artificial intelligence,knowledge representation and reasoning, knowledge and database systems, natural language processing, intelligent agents.

Lomonaco, Jr., Samuel J., Ph.D. Princeton (CS) Algebraic coding theory, cryptography, programming languages, supercomputing, parallel processing, heterogeneous computing.

Menyuk, Curtis R., Ph.D., UCLA (EE) Light propagation, optical fibers, nonlinear phenomena.

Morris, Joel M., Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins Univ. (EE) Communications and signal processing, signal detection and estimation, information theory,

Sidhu, Deepinder P., Ph.D., SUNY (Stony Brook) (CS) Computer networks, distributed systems, distributed and heterogeneous databases, parallel and distributed algorithms, computer and communication security, distributed artificial intelligence, high performance computing.

Yesha, Yaacov, Ph.D., Weizmann Inst. Science (Israel) (CS) Dr. Yesha's interests include parallel computing, computational complexity, algorithms, source coding, and speech and image compression.

Yesha, Yelena, Ph.D., Ohio State Univ. (CS) Distributed systems, database systems, digital libraries, electronic commerce, performance modeling.

Associate Professors

Chang, Chein-I, Ph.D., Univ. Maryland (UMCP) (EE) Data compression, signal detection and estimation, image analysis/understanding, medical imaging, array processing, remote sensing-multispectral/hyperspectral image processing, computer/machine vision, pattern recongnition, data/sensor fusion, automatic target recongnition, neural networks.

Chen, Jyh-Chia, Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo) (EE) Optoelectronic materials/devices, thin-film technology.

Choa, Fow-Sen, Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo) (EE) Optoelectronic devices design, fabrication, and characterization, III-V compound semiconductor material growth & processing, high density WDM systems and networks and fiber optics sensors.

Mayfield, James, Ph.D., Univ. California (Berkeley) (CS) Agent-based architectures, natural language processing, information extraction, and hypertext.

Motteler, Howard E.,Ph.D., Univ. Maryland (UMCP) (CS) Parallel and distributed processing, and scientific computation.

Nicholas, Charles K., Ph.D., Ohio State Univ. (CS) Electronic document processing, software engineering, and intelligent information systems, information retrieval tools.

Peng, Yun, Ph.D., Univ. Maryland (UMCP) (CS) Artificial intelligence,neural network computing, and medical applications.

Sherman, Alan T., Ph.D., MIT (CS) Discrete algorithms, cryptology, VLSI layout algorithms.

Stephens, A. Brooke, Ph.D., Univ. Maryland (UMCP) (CS) Numerical analysis, combinatorics, resource allocation, optimization.

Yan, Li, Ph.D., Univ. Maryland (UMCP) (EE) Quantum electronics, ultrashort pulse formation, ultrafast nonlinear optics, general aspects of laser physics.

Assistant Professors

Adali, Tulay, Ph.D., North Carolina State Univ. (EE) Channel equalization, applications of artificial neural networks, biomedical image processing, distribution learning by neural networks, and analysis of adaptive signal processing algorithms.

Chang, Richard, Ph.D., Cornell (CS) Computational complexity theory, structural complexity, analysis of algorithms.

Ebert, David, Ph.D., Ohio State Univ. (CS) Realistic interactive volumetric visualization; procedural modeling; modeling gases, water, and fire; advanced rendering and animation techniques; and volumetric rendering.

Kalpakis, Konstantinos, Ph.D., Univ. Maryland (UMBC) (CS)

Miller, Ethan, Ph.D., Univ. California (Berkeley) (CS) Massive storage systems, parallel file systems, multi- terabyte storage hierarchies.

Turner, Russell, Ph.D., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Lausanne) (CS) Interactive 3D graphics, physically-based modeling, object-oriented graphics, animation, and digital media.

Visiting Professors

Veronis, Andrew, Ph.D., Univ. Manchester (England) (EE) Computer architecture, microprocessors, digital and logic design, parallel processing, digital signal processing.