UMBC CSEE Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Baltimore Maryland 21250 USA
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M.S. and Ph.D. Program Descriptions

Degrees Offered: M.S. (thesis and non-thesis), Ph.D.

Program Descriptions: The Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) offers separate degree programs in Computer Science (CS) and in Electrical Engineering (EE). Each of these degree programs shares a similar structure and set of minimum requirements, and leads to the M.S. (with or without a thesis), or Ph.D. degree. Admission to each program is separate. Some fields of specialization within the degree programs may have additional degree requirements beyond the minimum requirements listed in this document.

This section describes the CS and EE graduate degree programs in terms of the research areas, degree requirements (course requirements, comprehensive examinations, preliminary examinations, and other requirements), and time-lines for completing the degree requirements.

Students entering in Fall 96 will follow the new requirements of the merged CSEE Department; students who entered prior to Fall 96 may choose between the new and old requirements.

Program Description Computer Science: The Department offers a graduate program leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science. This program provides advanced instruction, training, and research opportunities to prepare students for careers and marketable skills in business, industry, universities, and government agencies. The program reflects state of the art knowledge in major theoretical and applied aspects of computation and its applications.

Program Description - Electrical Engineering: The Department offers a graduate program leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering. The diversity of course offerings and research interests within the Department, and our interactions with the medical and dental schools at UMAB, with the Mathematics and Physics Departments at UMBC, and with the Electrical Engineering Department at UMCP, encompass a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary or strictly electrical engineering instruction and research topics.

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