
Xerox's Jupiter MOO

Hmmmm...  This is probably the base MOO system that the EIT/SRI/Xerox
team is working with.  I will try to find out more. 

The way ARPA likes to work these days is to try to get people to
develope and agree to use common software frameworks, lanuages, and
protocols.  My guess is that what Xerox is developing together with
the enhancements from EIT, will become the common framework that will
be pushed in thie program.

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From: pavel@parc.xerox.com (Pavel Curtis)
To: Michael Macedonia <macedoni@cs.nps.navy.mil>
Cc: mbone@isi.edu, rem-conf@es.net
Subject: Re: MUDs and mcast
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 10:32:51 PST

Michael Macedonia writes:
> Does anyone know of anyone working on using IP multicast and/or mbone for 
> MUDs/MOOs/MUSHs? I am meeting with a MUD research group that is 
> interested in the idea and I would like to point out examples and prevent 
> reinventing the wheel. 

The Jupiter system here at PARC makes routine use of IP multicast for live
video and for live and recorded audio; we also anticipate using it for
`telepointer' data (other users' mouse motions).  Here's my standard squib
about Jupiter:

You can read the only existing public paper about Jupiter at this URL:


Jupiter is a set of enhancements that can be added to any LambdaMOO system.
The release, expected in early 1995, will include the following:

	-- a great deal of MOO code implementing simple programming interfaces
	   to the whole range of new Jupiter functionality,
	-- detailed documentation of those interfaces,
	-- detailed specifications of the protocols used for server/client
	   communication in support of the new functionality, and
	-- sources and executables for client programs running on several UNIX
	   platforms and on MS Windows 3.1.

Jupiter runs on an unmodified LambdaMOO server.  A Macintosh client was
originally planned for inclusion in this release, but has been sufficiently
delayed that inclusion is no longer possible without unacceptably slipping the
release schedule.

The main components of Jupiter are as follows:

	-- a general-purpose window system, allowing MOO objects to display
	   standard graphical user interfaces on the client's screen, without
	   needing to know what kind of window system is native for the client,
	   and with persistence and sharing of all window widget state provided
	   automatically by default,
	-- live audio transmission between all users in the same virtual
	-- live video images of all users in the same virtual location, and
	-- simple facilities for sharing external files and some external
	   applications between users, even when they do not share a file

The use of audio and video requires IP multicast connectivity between all

The Jupiter release will be made by anonymous FTP, free for non-commercial use.
Potential commercial users should wait until the release is announced and then
contact us for possible licensing terms.


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