
Intelligent Information Argents Workshop 12/2

We are running a workshop on Intelligent Information Agents at NIST in
Gaithersburg on this Friday.  If anyone is interested in attending,
please let me know.  I have attached the schedule below.  Let me know
if you want more information.

Details on the parent conference (CIKM-94) can be obtained by sending


	      Workshop on Intelligent Information Agents
	    Third International Conference on Information
		  and Knowledge Management (CIKM'94)
	    National Institute of Standards and Technology
			Gaithersburg, Maryland
		       Friday, December 2, 1994

 8:00 -  8:30 Coffee 

 8:30 -  8:45 Welcome and  Introduction, Tim Finin (UMBC) 

 8:45 - 10:15 Session One, D. McKay (Unisys) 

Agent Amplified Communication, Henry Kautz and Bart Selman (AT&T)

Heterogeneous Information Systems Integration: An Agent Messaging
Approach, Sankar Virdakriswaren (Cryztaliz)

SodaBot: A Software Agent Environment and Construction System,
Michael Coen (MIT)


 10:15 - 10:30     Break 

 10:30 - 12:00     Session Two, B. Grosof (IBM)

Transportable Agents,
Keith Kotay and David Kotz (Dartmouth)

Incorporation Emotional Agents into the Cooperation
Mechanism of the Accord System, Michael Gray and D. Patrick 
Studdard (American University)

A Distributed and Anonymous Knowledge Sharing Approach to
Software Interoperation, Michael Genesereth, Narinder Singh, 
and Mustafa Syed (Stanford)


 12:00 -  1:00     Lunch 

 1:00 -  2:30     Session Three,  M. Coriat (Universite de Paris VI) 

An Endogenous Fitness Paradigm for Adaptive Information Agents, 
Filippo Menczer, Wolfram Willuhn, and Rik Bellew (UCSD)

VISITOR-HOSTER: Toward an Intelligent Electronic Secretary,
Katia Sycara and Dajun Zeng (CMU)

Autonomous Agents in Inter-Organization Project Management,
Jeremy Pitt, Matthew Anderson and Jim Cunningham (Imperial College)


 2:30 -  2:45     Break 

 2:45 -  4:15     Session Four, Yigal Arens (USC/ISI) 
Efficient Query Processing for Information Gathering Agents,
Craig Knoblock (USC/ISI) and Alon Levy (AT&T)

Agent Collaboration as a Resource Discovery Technique,
Ellen Voorhees (Siemens)

Networked Information Retrieval as Distributed Problem Solving,
Tim Oates, M.V. Nagendra Prasad and Victor Lesser (UMASS)


 4:15 -  5:15     Panel:  Agent Communication & Programming Languages, T. Finin (UMBC)

W. Davis (Aberdeen), M. Genesereth (Stanford), Y. Labrou (UMBC),
R. Sriram (NIST)

 5:15 -  5:30     Wrap-up 


Reconciling Agent Models, Jose-Luis Ambite and Craig A. Knoblock

Intelligent Software Agents for Non-Traditional Information
Sharing Environments, Nina M. Berry and Soundar R.T. Kumara
Formal Specification Using Agents Conceptualization, Michel Coriat

Inductive Methods of Data Mining, Tremaine A.O. Cornish
Multi-modal Mind Design, Jim Cunningham  
Information Theoretic Principles of Agents, George Cybenko, Alexy 
Khrabrov, Yunxin Wu and Robert Gray

Information Agents as Organizers, George Cybenko, Yunxin Wu,
Alexy Khrabrov and Robert Gray

Agent-K: An Integration of AOP and KQML, Winton Davies and Peter
Agent-based Environments for Health Care, Matthew Fuchs,
V. Jagannathan, Y.V. Reddy, K. Srinivas and R. Karinthi

The World of Electronic Egos, Pramod Jain
Using a cooperative agent system for a context-based discovery of
interdatabase dependencies, Matthias Klusch
Preliminary Report on GENERIC NEGOTIATOR , Dajun Zeng and Katia
P. Sycara  

Additional information, including copies of the workshop papers, is
accessible on the World-wide Web from
"http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~cikm/1994/iia/" or from Tim Finin, Computer
Science Department, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore
MD 21228 USA, finin@cs.umbc.edu, phone: 410-455-3000, fax:

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