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Internet Tools Summary http://www.december.com/net/tools/internet-tools.html

Internet Tools Summary

Internet Tools Summary

December Communications, Inc. (john@december.com )

05 June 1996

1996 by December Communications, Inc. (john@december.com ). You may use this document for any personal or educational purpose. For-profit distribution requires permission.

Provided ``as is'' without expressed or implied warranty.

PURPOSE: to list tools available on the Internet that are used for network information retrieval (NIR) and Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC). This is not meant to be a strict categorization or an exhaustive list, rather a reference catalog. I welcome comments and suggestions.

AUDIENCE: those getting started in understanding what you can do on the Internet in NIR and CMC; for experienced users, it collects and summarizes sources of information.

ASSUMPTION: You have access to and know how to use finger, ftp, gopher, http, telnet, email, World Wide Web, or Usenet newsgroups.

REFERENCES: The references which are listed at the end of this document provide very useful guides to these tools.

ACTION: The Action notation that I had described in earlier versions of this document is in the internet-tools.tax file.


1. Respect your access privileges to these tools.

2. This information changes; additions/comments welcome.

3. For demo purposes, I have used Unix commands; certainly Unix is not the only operating system required for these tools and forums. Apologies to those who don't have Unix.

4. On the classification (NIR v. CMC): some tools could be used for either, such as telnet and email. I've placed them in what I feel are "principal use" categories, e.g., telnet is used mostly for NIR, and email is commonly used for CMC (although both have applications in the other category).

5. Many of these tools have applicability off the Internet. Usenet, for example, is not confined to the Internet, and Internet email (and thus LISTSERV files) can be exchanged with communication systems off the Internet (BITNET, fidonet, commercial services.) So this list is not Internet (only) tools, but tools that can be used on the Internet.

6. A $ sign indicates a non-public domain tool or interface.

7. The easiest way to use this list is to access the hypertext version at URL http://www.december.com/net/tools/index.html

Information about updates to or different formats of this document:



    These are some explanatory files for using this information and describing this project.

  • Segmented: describes how to use the segmented hypertext format of this information (http://www.december.com/net/tools/use-itools.html)
  • README: describes Internet tools project and other formats of the information (ftp://ftp.rpi.edu/pub/communications/internet-tools.readme)
  • Using: some tips and instructions on using the access methods mentioned in this file (ftp://ftp.rpi.edu/pub/communications/internet-tools.use)
  • Taxonomy: some notes toward a taxonomy of Internet tools (ftp://ftp.rpi.edu/pub/communications/internet-tools.tax)


    These are the other formats for this information.

    Note that the files at the ftp site (ftp.rpi.edu) will not be as current as those on the web server.

  • Database: the raw database in my own, simple markup language from which I generate all versions of this information (warning--this is a large file) (ftp://ftp.rpi.edu/pub/communications/internet-tools.dat)
  • DVI: the device-independent file (generated from LaTeX source file) (ftp://ftp.rpi.edu/pub/communications/internet-tools.dvi)
  • HTML 1 big page: HTML version of this information on one big page (http://www.december.com/net/tools/internet-tools.html)
  • HTML segmented: HTML version of this information in a web of pages divided by section, sub-section, and sub-sub-section (http://www.december.com/net/tools/index.html)
  • LaTeX: source for the LaTeX version of this information (ftp://ftp.rpi.edu/pub/communications/internet-tools.tex)
  • Postscript: postscript version of this information (ftp://ftp.rpi.edu/pub/communications/internet-tools.ps.Z)
  • Text Wide: text version of this information >80 columns wide (ftp://ftp.rpi.edu/pub/communications/internet-tools)
  • Text 80: text version of this information, 80 columns wide (ftp://ftp.rpi.edu/pub/communications/internet-tools.txt)





  • Alex
  • GN
  • Gopher

      Definition: Gopher provides access to resources using a graph of menus.

    • Gopher guide: Internet Gopher User's Guide, ed. Paul Linder (ftp://boombox.micro.umn.edu/pub/gopher/docs/)
    • Gopher info/EARN: gopher overview and introduction, from European Academic Research Network Association (EARN) (http://www.earn.net/gnrt/gopher.html)
    • Gopher sources/info: gopher client/server source code, as well as general information (e.g. gopher conference, gopherMoo, etc.) (ftp://boombox.micro.umn.edu/pub/gopher/)
    • Gopher demo: a session demonstrating gopher at Univ of Minnesota (gopher://gopher.micro.umn.edu)
    • Gopher via telnet: (telnet://gopher@consultant.micro.umn.edu) Login as : gopher
    • Gopher via email/Japan: use a gopher via email: mail gophermail@ncc.go.jp Body: "help"
    • Gopher via email/USA: use a gopher via email: mail gophermail@calvin.edu Body: "help"
    • Gopher FAQ: Common Questions and Answers about the Internet Gopher, a client/server protocol for making a world wide information service, with many implementations (ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/gopher-faq)
    • Gopher-Web: Gopher in the World-Wide Web, gopher-Web interactions (gopher://gopher.ocf.berkeley.edu/00/gopher/gopher-www)
    • Gopher/Veronica article: Exploring the Power of the Internet Gopher, by Lynn Ward; an article from the University of Illinois publication UIUCnet, Dec. 1992 - Jan. 1993, Vol. 6, No. 1, a newsletter covering campus networking issues (ftp://ftp.cso.uiuc.edu/doc/net/uiucnet/vol6no1.txt)
    • Discussion: unmoderated Usenet newsgroup devoted to gopher (news:comp.infosystems.gopher)
  • Prospero
  • WAIS = Wide Area Information Server

      Definition: WAIS(tm) responds to natural language queries by searching indexes of databases and retrieving resources.

    • WAIS overview: Overview of Wide Area Information Servers, by Brewster Kahle (April 1991) (ftp://quake.think.com/wais/doc/overview.txt)
    • WAIS: A Sketch of An Overview, by Jeff Kallem (ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/docs/about-the-net/libsoft/wais.txt)
    • WAIS info/EARN: WAIS overview and introduction, from European Academic Research Network Association (EARN) (http://www.earn.net/gnrt/wais.html)
    • WAIS documentation: information on WAIS, Inc. and products (ftp://quake.think.com/pub/wais-inc-doc/)
    • WAIS, Inc. web: interactive on-line publishing systems and services to organizations (http://www.wais.com)
    • WAIS clients: client to WAIS in different interfaces (X) (ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/wais/clients/)
    • freeWAIS: a UNIX based, freely available information server. (ftp://ftp.cnidr.org/pub/NIDR.tools/freewais/)
    • WAIS via telnet: (telnet://wais@quake.think.com) Login as : wais
    • WAIS via gopher: (gopher://gopher-gw.micro.umn.edu)
    • WAISGATE: WAIS to WWW gateway, search WAIS databases through search terms, public directory maintained by WAIS, Inc. (http://www.wais.com/directory-of-servers.html)
    • SFgate: a CGI script which interfaces to WAIS servers, all freeWAIS servers can be connected, by Ulrich Pfeifer (http://ls6-www.informatik.uni-dortmund.de/SFgate/SFgate.html)
    • Discussion-WAIS: an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup covering all aspects of WAIS (news:comp.infosystems.wais)
  • WWW = World Wide Web

      Definition: The WWW is a system for disseminating hypermedia resources through servers and retrieving hypermedia resources through browsers on global or local computer networks.


    • WWW overview/W3C: overview of the Web, from the the World Wide Web consortium (W3C) (http://www.w3.org)
    • WWW info/EARN: What is World-Wide Web, a narrative introducing and explaining the Web, from European Academic Research Network Association (EARN) (http://www.earn.net/gnrt/www.html)
    • WWW Guide/Hughes: Entering the World-Wide Web, A Guide to Cyberspace, by Kevin Hughes (http://www.eit.com/web/www.guide/guide.toc.html)
    • WWW-Yahoo: Computers-World Wide Web section (http://www.yahoo.com/Computers/World_Wide_Web/)


    • WWW FAQ/Boutell: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list and answers about the Web--covers user, provider, and general information, maintained by Thomas Boutell (http://www.boutell.com/faq/)
    • WWW FAQ/W3C: Frequently Asked Questions on W3, by Tim Berners-Lee at W3C (http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/FAQ/List.html)


    • WWW via email: obtain a web file (e.g., http) via email; URL = Uniform resource locator; send message body 'www URL'; use the message body HELP to get instructions: mail webmail@www.ucc.ie Body: "GO URL"
    • WWW via telnet: an example of using WWW via telnet (to CERN) (telnet://telnet.w3.org)
    • WWW ftp info: some information files about the Web, includes papers, guides, and draft specifications, from CERN (ftp://ftp.w3.org/pub/www/)
    • WWW gopher info: some information files about the Web available via gopher (gopher://gopher.w3.org)
    • Bootstrap: information about gaining more information about and accessing the Web (http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/FAQ/Bootstrap.html)


    • Browserwatch: the latest on WWW browsers (http://www.browserwatch.com)
    • WWW Browsers/Yahoo: list from Yahoo, Computers-World Wide Web-Browsers (http://www.yahoo.com/Computers/World_Wide_Web/Browsers/)
    • WWW Clients: a list of programs (Web browsers) that allow you to access the WWW, from CERN (http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Clients.html)
    • WWW Servers: a list of programs (Web servers) that allow you to provide information on the Web, from CERN (http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Daemon/Overview.html)
    • Web Software: a list of software products related to the Web (http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Status.html)

      -----Developing Information

    • Web Development: a summary of a methodology for developing a web--includes planning, analysis, design, implementation, and development (http://www.december.com/web/develop.html)
    • The HTML Station: a summary of hypertext markup language syntax, includes demonstrations (http://www.december.com/html/index.html)
    • webreference.com: *excellent a well organized directory of information about web development, including reference lists as well as original articles and commentary (http://www.webreference.com)
    • WWW Vlib: WWW Development section from the WWW Virtual library, a resource collection for Web information providers and users, includes general information and links to various resources (http://www.stars.com)
    • HTML Writer's Guild: an association of HTML writers and Web developers for building awareness of web development skills (http://www.hwg.org)

      -----Navigating the Web

    • WWW Spiders: Spiders are a class of software programs that traverse network hosts gathering information from and about resources (http://www.december.com/net/tools/nir-tools-spiders.html)
    • WWW gateways: interfaces between the WWW and other information or communication systems (http://www.yahoo.com/Computers/World_Wide_Web/Gateways/)
    • WWW Servers list: a list of registered WWW servers, organized geographically by continent and country (http://www.w3.org/hypertext/DataSources/WWW/Servers.html)
    • WWW Sites(CityLink): U.S. state and city web sites (http://www.neosoft.com/citylink/)
    • WWW Sites(Virtual Tourist): *excellent a geographic map to aid in locating Web sites and other resources (http://www.vtourist.com/webmap/)

      -----News and discussion

    • WWW Conferences: International conferences on the Web, past and future (http://www.w3.org/hypertext/Conferences/Overview-WWW.html)
    • WWW-Announce: charter for the moderated Usenet newsgroup comp.infosystems.www.announce (http://www.halcyon.com/grant/Misc/charter.html)
    • WWW-Announce: a moderated newsgroup announcing new WWW resources (news:comp.infosystems.www.announce)
    • WWW discussion: search a database of 50 Web-related mailing lists and discussion groups (http://www.verity.com/library.html)
    • WWW Usenet Groups: a listing, description, and links to charters of Usenet newsgroups devoted to Web development (http://boutell.com/~grant/web-groups.html)



Languages and systems to foster interactivity in networked applications.

  • Broadway: *new* a project to bring universal access to network applications on the Web; under development at the X consortium (http://www.x.org/consortium/broadway.html)
  • Inferno(tm): *new* an operating system for delivering interactive media; Limbo(tm) is the name of the language it supports; under development within the Computing Sciences Research Center of Bell Labs at Lucent Technologies (http://www.lucent.com/inferno/)
  • Java(tm): *new* a programming language for creating interactive, net-work distributed applications and applets on Web pages (http://www.december.com/works/java/info.html)







Protocols and standards are the basis for operating tools and forums on the Internet. In this section, I summarize some sources of information about Internet and other protocols. Protocols associated with individual tools are listed with the tools above.


  • ASN.1: resources for the ASN.1 language, by Philipp Hoschka (http://www.inria.fr/rodeo/personnel/hoschka/asn1.html)
  • Hypertext: Stardards relevant to hypertext (http://www.w3.org/hypertext/Standards/Overview.html)
  • IEEE SPAsystem: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Process Automation System (http://stdsbbs.ieee.org)
  • Internet Protocols/NRL: listings of working groups and information about protocols--applications, internet, next generation, network management, operational requirements, routing, security, and much more, from Naval Research Lab (http://netlab.itd.nrl.navy.mil/Internet.html)
  • ISOC: Index to Internet Standards from the Internet Society (http://info.isoc.org/standards/index.html)
  • Internet STDs: Internet Standards, sub-series of notes within the RFC series which document Internet standards (ftp://nic.merit.edu/documents/std/)
  • MM Survey List: Distributed Multimedia Survey Standards List, includes CCITT/ISO, Internet, Proprietary (http://cuiwww.unige.ch/OSG/MultimediaInfo/mmsurvey/standards.html)
  • Organizations: players in setting technical standards for telecommunications and networking (http://www.december.com/cmc/info/organizations-standards.html)
  • Protocols: Computers-Software-Protocols category from Yahoo (http://www.yahoo.com/Computers/Software/Protocols/)
  • Standards Page: Index of telcommunication standards documentation (http://www.cmpcmm.com/cc/standards.html)
  • Standards/Standards Bodies: from the WWW Virtual Library (http://www.iso.ch/VL/Standards.html)


  • HTTP: a protocol for networked information (http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Protocols/HTTP/HTTP2.html)
  • IP: Internet Protocol (ftp://nic.merit.edu/documents/rfc/rfc0791.txt)
  • Kerberos: network authentication system for physically insecure networks (ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/comp.protocols.kerberos/)
  • NFS: Network File System will mount remote file systems across homogeneous and heterogeneous systems (ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/comp.protocols.nfs/)
  • Personal IP: Charm Net Personal IP Page, information about connectivity to the Internet, PPP and MS-Windows, and more (http://www.charm.net/ppp.html)
  • PC-MAC TCP/IP + NFS FAQ: by Rawn Shah (ftp://ftp.rtd.com/pub/tcpip/pcnfsfaq.txt)
  • PC-MAC TCP/IP + NFS FAQ WWW: by Rawn Shah (http://www.rtd.com/pcnfsfaq/faq.html)
  • PC-NFS: (ftp://ftp.york.ac.uk/pub/pc/pc-nfs/FAQ/)
  • PPP: Internet Standard for transmission of IP packets over serial lines (ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/comp.protocols.ppp/)
  • PPP FAQ: comp.protocols.ppp frequently wanted information (http://cs.uni-bonn.de/ppp/faq.html)
  • SIPP: Simple Internet Protocol Plus (SIPP) is one of the candidates being considered by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for the next version of the Internet Protocol (http://town.hall.org/sipp/sipp-main.html)
  • SLIP: Serial Line Internet Protocol (ftp://vtucs.cc.vt.edu/filebox/nyman/whatslip.txt)
  • SNMP FAQ: Simple Network Management Protocol Usenet FAQ (ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/comp.protocols.snmp/)
  • SNMP Web: the SNMP project group at the University of Twente (the Netherlands), develops a freely-available implementation of SNMP (http://snmp.cs.utwente.nl)
  • SOCKS: A proxy server for IP hosts behind firewalls (ftp://ftp.nec.com/pub/security/socks.cstc/What_Is_SOCKS.CSTC)
  • TCP: Transmission Control Protocol (ftp://nic.merit.edu/documents/rfc/rfc0793.txt)
  • TCP-IP FAQ: (ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/comp.protocols.tcp-ip/)
  • Windows/SLIP: Windows internet SLIP software, maintained by Peter Faris QC (http://www.monash.edu.au/informatics/peter/home.htm)
  • Windows/TCP/IP: accessing the Internet using tcp/ip applications under Microsoft Windows, by Harry M. Kriz (http://learning.lib.vt.edu/wintcpip/wintcpip.html)
  • Winsock App List: Comprehensive List of Winsock Applications (http://cwsapps.texas.net/inx.html)


  • ACC: anonymous credit card (ACC) protocol, used for anonymous funds xfer and delivery on the Internet (ftp://research.att.com/dist/anoncc/accinet.ps.Z)
  • EPIC: Effects Protocol for Interactive Communications, a proposal designed to provide enhanced formatting, display control for interaction interactive internet communications (http://netcom7.netcom.com/pub/stewarta/html/stewarta.html)
  • HTML FAQ: hypertext markup language (http://www.umcc.umich.edu/~ec/www/html_faq.html)
  • HTML+: (http://www.w3.org/pub/www/dev/htmlplus.dtd)
  • ISO Protocols: newsgroup (news:comp.protocols.iso)
  • ISO FAQ: (ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/comp.protocols.iso/)
  • OSI: Open Systems Interconnection protocols (ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/osi-protocols)
  • OSI/GOSIP Protocols: (http://netlab.itd.nrl.navy.mil/GOSIP.html)
  • Other Protocols: XTP, HIPPI, Fibre Channel (http://netlab.itd.nrl.navy.mil/OP.html)
  • Telecom stds: International Standards for telecommunication (ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/standards-faq)
  • Unicode: a Character Encoding Standard, a 16-bit set to encode all of the characters used for written languages throughout the world (http://www.unicode.org)
  • URI/URL/URN/URC: Addressing for the WWW (http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Addressing/Addressing.html)
  • URL guide: A Beginner's Guide to URLs (http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/demoweb/url-primer.html)
  • URL syntax: Uniform Resource Locator Syntax (http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Addressing/URL/5_BNF.html)
  • VEMMI: Enhanced Man-Machine Interface for Videotex and Muitimedia/Hypermedia Information Retrieval Services (http://www.mctel.fr)
  • X.400: a set of ISO/CCITT standards that defines electronic mail, the only non-proprietary standard for interchange of electronic mail that has the sanction of an official standards body (ftp://ftp.u.washington.edu/pub/user-supported/reader/text/standards/X.400/)
  • Z39.50 W3 Page: (http://www.vtls.com/market/z39/z39page.html)
  • Z39.50 Resources: a reference point for resources related to the Information Retrieval Service and Protocol standard, ANSI/NISO Z39.50 (http://ds.internic.net/z3950/z3950.html)


  • Computers-Communication: index from Yahoo (http://www.yahoo.com/Computers/Communication/)
  • Browserwatch: the latest on WWW browsers (http://www.browserwatch.com)
  • Falken's: applications and tools available for accessing the Internet (http://commline.com/falken/tools.shtml)
  • Internet Tools EARN: The Guide to Network Resource Tools, from European Academic Research Network Association (EARN) (ftp://ns.ripe.net/earn/earn-resource-tool-guide.txt)
  • Internet Tools EARN/WWW: The Guide to Network Resource Tools, from European Academic Research Network Association (EARN) (http://www.earn.net/gnrt/notice.html)
  • Internet Tools NIR: A status report on networked information retrieval tools and groups (ftp://nic.merit.edu/documents/fyi/fyi_25.txt)
  • Internet Systems UNITE: (ftp://mailbase.ac.uk/pub/lists/unite/files/systems-list.txt)
  • Net Mgt Tools: Tools for Monitoring and Debugging TCP/IP Internets and Interconnected Devices (ftp://nic.merit.edu/documents/fyi/fyi_02.txt)
  • WWW Communication: from Yahoo (http://www.yahoo.com/Computers/World_Wide_Web/Communication/)

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© December Communications, Inc. (john@december.com) 05 Jun 1996