Welcome to WebCompare

Welcome to WebCompare! WebCompare currently has two areas:

Coming soon: WebMusings

In mid-April, we plan to launch a new area called WebMusings. This is a forum for short (fewer than 500 word) articles, rants, and advocacy pieces concerning the Web. Anyone can submit articles for WebMusings, and although you won't get paid if your article is accepted, you'll get a tad of fame and probably some interesting mail (your name and/or URL will be attached to the article).

The articles will be selected based on their relevance, wit, and style. The main idea for WebMusings is to publish material that is usually ignored by the mainstream Web media. For example, topics might include why most Web servers are designed wrong, what's wrong with the WebCompare servers chart, a really useful feature that should be in more servers or browsers, views of the state of Web standards, great hints on maintaining Web servers, thoughts on real-world security and payments, advocacy for new Web techologies, and so on. A few articles that are blatant advertising for under-publicized products might be accepted if the products are really interesting to the WebCompare editors, but most of these kinds of articles will be rejected, usually politely.

If we get good material, we'll probably add three to five new articles every two weeks, on the 1st and 15th of the month. If you've got something to say about the Web, please submit it to editors@webcompare.com. If accepted, all we ask is for the first electronic rights for at least six months: you get to keep all other publishing rights.

Advertising on WebCompare

The Server Features Comparison and Server Survey have slots for advertising. The price is low, and the quality of the viewers is high. If you are interested, please find out more and contact sales@webcompare.com.